
However, there will be 800 million £ for program CleanAir.

Jednak znajdzie się 800 mln zł na program Czyste Powietrze
  • NFOŚiGW has obtained over 21 billion zł of funding for “Clean Air” – 13.9 million £ from the National Construction Plan (KPO) and 7.6 million £ from European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment (FEnIKS).
  • In this year there is a new source of funding for the Modernization Fund. In February NFOŚiGW submits an application to European Bank Investment for the amount of 10 billion .
  • The money is transferred to accounts of the European Investment Bank in accordance with the plan in tranches, according to the reported demand.
  • In the minimum year to WFOŚiGW followed over 6.3 billion , in the current year already transferred 98 million zł from KPO and another 800 million zł will transfer to funds accounts from the FEnIKS budget.
    31 January there will be a meeting at NFOŚiGW with executive companies, which are waiting for payments in the Clean Air program.
  • There is an overhaul of the Clean Air program, scheduled to 31 March br. In the community consultation few thousands of feedback, which are now being analyzed for new writings of the program.
  • The WFW has increased the number of in the area because of abuse by fraudulent contractors.
  • Provincial funds are working on processing due applications and payments.
  • WFOŚiGW as separate, independent from NFOŚiGW units, they handle receiving, processing, settlement of applications for financing and payment of funds in the program in the territory of their provinces.

Why is funded by the Clean Air program?

The Clean Air Program has provided two sources of funding for the most years:

  • KPO
  • FEnIKS.

Funds from KPO  are transferred for funding for applications submitted before 22 April 2024 .

From the county funding from FEnIKS is for grants awarded on applications submitted from 22 April 2024 year. In the next sequence, further in this year, the Clean Air program is to be supplied with fund modernization funds. NFOŚiGW plans in February to apply to the European Bank Investment for granting for this purpose of financing.

In 2024 year. for payments to beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program the Fund has transferred to provincial

funds over 6.3 billion £. In 2025 year. in the Clean Air funds are planned to total payments

to accounts of approximately 8 billion PLN (including over 3,46 billion zl from KPO, over .3.65 billion

£ with FEnIKS).

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What money does the WFG in Clean Air have at its disposal?

Disbursement of funds from KPO to accounts of WFOŚiGW proceeds without disruptions, according to the reported by individual funds demand. In this year four Funds submitted in January such requests. The first three payments from KPO to WFOŚiGW in Lublin, Wroclaw, Opole were made in the amount of 98 million zł. An application WFOŚiGW from Warsaw from 21 January for the amount 72 mln zł is proceeding.  

From funding from FEnIKS program in 2024 years. The Environmental and Water Management Fund received a total of al 1.8 billion £, of which – because of unused surplus part of money was with the end of year returned (498 million zł).

Still part of the Fund shows in reports to

the Fund a positive balance – in some funds there are significant funds, while in others the amounts to

use for payments are large.

Currently proceeding is a path to allocate another pool of FeinikS for I

quarter 2025 year. in the amount of 800 million £. Now decisions have been made about the allocation of this fund and the NFOŚiGW has already ordered payments from this pool.

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Inspections are underway in in connection with the numerous abuses in the Clean Air

The Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund will hold 31 January meeting with executive companies, which in the last day signaled, that they are waiting for reimbursements andpayments for implemented projects in the program Clean Air.

We remind, that the slower than anticipated process of handling applications and settlement of contracts by WFOŚiGW has affected the lack of funding from KPO

in II half 2023 year. Before the start funding from FEnIKS – experts of NFOŚiGW. – The

present interruption in receiving new applications until 31 March 2025 year is intended to contribute to

the proper performance of due settlements, among other things.

At the same time, in conjunction with numerous abuses in the program from unfair contractors, increased and detailed inspections of investments are underway, which also affects the slowing process of payments. Inspections reveal including – overestimating unit costs, or imposing very high markups for performed work.

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Production of butter in gruden ub.year increased by 27.6 proc.

New Clean Air will start already in spring 2025 year.

It will be safer and easier to apply for subsidies for thermodernization of houses – that is the commitment that follows the reform of the Clean Air program. The Ministry of the Environment and the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Authority, considering the requests from community consultations, are prepare for spring new rules for funding.  

Clean Air continues to last, in mid December br. has started taking applications for thermodernization of houses in the provinces affected by flood. Simultaneously all the time are and will be paidgrantsfromtheprogramandtheprocessingofallsubmittedapplications.TheCleanAirPrograminanewcoverwillreturn31March2025years-reportedtousexpertsfromMKiŚ.

Therewillbeintroducedincludinglimitstounitcostsandthepaymentofadvancestotargetaccountsofbeneficiaries.Thereisalsobeing prepareda nationwideoperatorprogram,whichistoprovidethepoorestgroupofthesociety,threatenedwithenergy poverty,tohelpapply,settleandimplementinvestmentswithgrants.

To date(as of17.01.2025year)intheCleanAirprogramhassubmittedovermillion.applicationsforover38billion£offunding.WFWsignedover847thousandcontractsforover28billion£


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