Even if you have not received additional minimis aid (other than that, resulting from application of maximum current prices in II 2024 year. ) this and that you have
a obligation to submit the statement!
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Who has the obligation to submit a statement for using frozen price current in II half 2024 year?
The right to apply in II half of 2024 year the maximum price in settings with microenterprises, small and medium enterprises and agricultural producers means using from public or aid de minimis, aid de minimis in agriculture or fishing.
If your company , which has the status of small or medium enterprise has taken advantage of the maximum price in II half 2024 year. Is that aid de minimis or aid de minimis in agriculture or fishing and should submit additional documents?
Yes. The maximum price applied to small or medium enterprises stands for de minimis – the experts PGE emphasize. – Therefore those recipients, in accordance with regulations , should submit to PGE Trade “Information about aid” by the deadline to 28 February 2025.
If you are a micro-entrepreneur applying by PGE Trade the maximum price in settlements in the second half of 2024 year, this constitutes public assistance .
The maximum price applied to microenterprise stands public assistance given on the basis of binding regulations and after fulfillment of the specified in it conditions -. the experts of PGE.
In accordance with the applicable regulations for recipients of legitimate, who are small or medium enterprises, price maximum sales of electric energy is a aid de minimis, a de minimis in agriculture or aid de minimis in fishing.
On the other hand, in the case of eligible customers, who are microenterprises, price maximum sales of energy.Electric is a public assistance.
Consumers eligible, for whom PGE applied maximum prices in billing for electric energy in the period from 1 July 2024 year. to 31 December 2024 year, by power law they
have a duty to submit , among other things. to PGE as the entity granting aid, information about the amount of aid de
minimis, aid de minimis in agriculture, aid de minimis in fishing or public assistance.
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When must submit information for help?
Information about received additional help or not received should be submitted on the formula published by the Minister of Climate and Environment in the Bulletin of Public Information (BIP). Date for delivery of the statement, in which the information about received assistance, must be submitted by 28 February 2025 .
If you do not submit a statement even if you have not obtained additional
help de minimis then in accordance with regulations you will have to return PGE along with
interest the difference between the maximum price, and the price that results from
the bundling contract, if:
- in the specified date you do not submit information about received assistance, or
- from the information submitted, that you do not meet the conditions for received assistance.
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How to check the size amount of de minimis in over 3 years in SUDOP?
With help comes UOC with search SUDOP -.Search help received by beneficiary, meaning System Sharing Data on Public Assistance.
After going to the SUDOP website:
- NIP of your company;
- the period of 3 years indicated by PGE;
- click “Search by selected criteria“.
If appears with information “”No help meeting criteria” means
that, you have not
used of de minimis. What you have to mark in the statement. If you have not received other assistance at that time then in the application mark, that we have not received other
assistance de minimis.
Even if you have not received additional help minimis (other than that, resulting from applying maximum current prices in II half 2024 year. ) that and yes you have to submit the statement!
How to check the size amount of aid de mininis in out that, resulting from applying maximum prices of current in II half 2024 year in SUDOP? Source: UOKiK
If you generate your report in form pdf then you will find the amount of aid de miminis in £ and in euros, of which you have benefited except that resulting from application of maximum prices in II half 2024 year.
What is the limit for de minimis for small and medium enterprises?
In accordance with regulations, PGE will provide ci information about the amount of assistance given in de minimis after the final settlement with Manager Clearance.
The limit of aid de minimis for small and medium enterprises is:
- the total amount of aid de minimis allocated by one member state to one enterprise cannot exceed 300 000 EUR in a 3 year period;
- the total amount of de minimis aid granted by a member state to one enterprise in the agricultural sector cannot exceed 50 000 EUR in a period of three years;
- total amount of aid de minimis.granted by a member state to one enterprise in the fishing and aculture sector cannot exceed 30 000 EUR in a period of three tax years;
- The value of aid in euro shall be determined in accordance with the law on public aid. The equivalent of aid in euro is determined according to the average rate of foreign currencies, announced by the National Bank of Poland, applicable on the day of granting aid.
If you exceed the designated limit, then PGE will call you to refund with interest the difference between the price maximum, and the price, that results from the bonding us contract.
In order to complete the form “Template of information about aid” correctly, entrepreneurs should indicate the amount of aid (aid public, aid de minimis or aid de minimis in agriculture or fishing) beyond that, resulting from applying maximum current prices in II half 2024 year. This relates to the aid obtainedfromothersourcesovera3year-explainsexpertsPGE.
- foraiddeminimisanddeminimisintheagriculturalsector-the3yearsshouldbeunderstoodinthisway,thatiftheassistancedeminimiswasgivenonJanuary102024year.,the subjectwasthe aiddeminimis,the aiddeminimisinagricultureandthe aiddeminimisinfishinggiventothe enterprisefrom10January2021year.until10January2024year;
- foraiddeminimisinthefishingandaculturesectors-3minimumyearsmean3yearstaxed.This meansthatthatthreetaxyearsshouldbe understoodastheperiodof2previoustax yearsandthecurrenttax year.