Unlike corn, grain harvesting usually takes place at a moisture content that allows for safe storage, i.e. up to 14.5 percent. Even if these values are slightly higher, in the case of grains, it is not necessary to start a dryer, but more on that below. Diseases and pests are a separate issue. Unfortunately, in the minds of many farmers, plant protection treatments end before harvest, and in the meantime, it is worth being aware that grain stored in storage is a tasty morsel for agrophages.
It's too late for prevention
In grain storage, as in many other matters, prevention is of great importance, and in this case, proper preparation for storage of both the grain and the warehouse. Spending a little time and effort before starting storage will help avoid problems in the future.
Of course, it is too late for preventive measures in the case of grains, but it is worth recalling some basics in brief. When it comes to preparing the warehouse, first of all it must be clean and isolate the grain from external factors. In improvised solutions, special attention should be paid to the tightness of the roof, doors and windows, as well as possible water seepage through the floor.