
How to manage after the concurrence of currency?

Jak sobie radzić po stwierdzeniu występowania stonki kukurydzianej?

The cucurbit conquers other regions of the country

The appearance of cucurbit in Poland started from the southern part of the country, however now we know already, that it is increasingly widening circles and it is likely to become a injurer of a wide range. Of how difficult to “stop” the stoning, let the facts testify, that after the establishment of the pest in Poland for the first time in 2005 the implemented sanitary procedures phytosanitary, which were to stop the expansion of the virus. In spite of this the range of incidence from year to year regularly is widening.

From the summary monitoring of occurrence of cucurbit in Poland in 2024, designed by prof. IOR-PIB dr. hab. Pawel Beresia shows, that this pest in addition to southern regions has already established also in the central belt of the country and is established already in the northern provinces. Total in 2024 years the presence of chicken beetles in 14 provinces (63 counties), of which after the first in the warmińsko-mazurskie voivodeship. The largest number of counties with confirmed incidence of the pest was recorded in the Dolnośląskie (8 counties), Mazovskie (8), Wielkopolskie (7), Podkarpackie (6) provinces.

Note, that the above data speak only of officially confirmed locations, in which the presence of stonka currency has been reported. In practice it may appear that the

pest has already planted also in other locations, but there has not been noticed and reported, especially considering

the expansiveness of the vad and and more favorable conditions.


cucurbit first confirmed in Warmia and Mazury

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Stonka cucurbit after time first confirmed in Warmia and Mazury

Stonka cucurbit – and what further?

Why is the number and the range of cucurbit in our country so dynamically increasing? It has an influence on obviously fertility and the ability to migrate this failure, but also the agricultural decisions of farmers. The expansion of the pest is being fostered by the pest .Cultivation of corn in monoculture – even short – a corn in our country is planted on increasing areas, it is growing its share in the seed structure, and so it returns often to that same field. No less important are there the climate changes, affecting the pest (e.g.,. mild winters increase spreading) and increasing the range of corn in the country.

By considering the above facts – already relevant to any farmer, independent of region management, No should be surprised by the sight of yellow-black beetles on leaves of corn or – what worse – larvae in the root zone. However, how do plan agrotection in the case, when we establish the appearance of this pest in the circumference of their fields or their neighborhood? To put it brutally: the pest, once it has appeared in a neighborhood, it will remain. Actions, which may be taken by farmers, are primarily to reduce its number and harm.

How to act, then? Speaking brutally for the time second time: there is no change, the most effective method of fighting against cucurbit is fetal change and interruption in cultivation, which allows to break the life cycle of cucurbit. This can be difficult, especially

on farms directed to rearing cattle, which must provide the animals

with a suitable feed base. If however this is possible organizationally,

then after confirming the occurrence of stock on a given field do return to that position with curry for the next 2-3 years. It is recommended also, to not cultivate soy and corn in the direct sequence in the shift.

Common diseases of fertility

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the-most-frequent choroby plod-rotation

An important element of crop protection is of course chemicals. For protection of corn against stoning corn we don’t have too many of them. If we diagnose the threat of this pest on plantations,Ch. tefluthrin) or application daily insecticides in microgranular form in the sowing, if they permit ais possible equipment (with cypermethrin, like Belem 0.8 MG or tefluthrin, like e.g. SoilGuard 0.5 GR).

It’s also important to in distressed fields to good digest harvest residues and deeply plough they before winter. Among other methods of protecting corn against this threatening pest there is also careful weeding of plantations, sowing varieties of fast growth after initiation and good developed root system, maintaining

isolation from monocultures of crops, cleaning tract and machinery from plant residues .

Failure to take action reducing stoning corn already after a few

years can end with fatal consequences. The most harmful are larvae, which damage the roots of corn, leading m.among other things, toleggingofplants.Therearealsofeedingbeetlesoncobsandleafblades.


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