According to IIAB Ukraine, the influencer market continued its recovery from a precipitous decline in the beginning of the full-scale war. Brands also at first cautiously, then increasingly reverted to cooperation with opinion leaders. PR-manager of M&P Communication Nikita Vakulenko in an expert column on AIN shared a check list for successful work with influencers. RAU suggests the main theses of this material.
In working with the leaders of opinions there are few cornerstones, because the blogging market in Ukraine is quite young and often not regulated. New new names are emerging, working with micro- and nanoinfluencers is popular. Working with opinion leaders is a true test for companies, especially with established procedures for approvals, briefs, bilateral responsibilities and legal support partnerships.
Of the major challenges that could occur on the terrible path to effective interaction and within statistics integrations, the major are as follows:
- Differences between expectations about the result of the company and the opinion leader;
- Contradictions between the content that the brand wants to promote, and the profile and area of interest of the influencer and his audience;
- “Failures” in the processes of consistency: disconnect between the expectations of influencer, that a large corporation can in a few hours to agree everything , and the corporation’s expectation that bloggers will will dutifully wait for all rounds of amendments;
- Disruptions in communication and tone of communication;
- Legal side of the processing anddocuments-documents-documents-documents.
Building relationships with opinion leaders and implementing successful projects with they are two kittens that are underpinning an effective campaign:
- Clearness of presented information and mutual understanding between the company and the influencer.
- Documents, from the brief to the agreement, which can guarantee that the influencer and the brand are on the same wave, and their expectations are clearly defined and approved.
- Selection of opinion leaders and starting communication with they
- Consistency of activities with objectives project;
- Number of subscribers and reactions;
- Geography and interests;
- Reputation;
- Statistics.
Effective Cover
- Greeting and introduction;
- The essence of the message;
- Brief description of the project and detailed description of the offer;
- Description of the role of the influencer in your campaign;
- Description of the expected format and conditions (commercial, barter, charity) work;
- Invitation to discuss the details and contacts for communication.
- Developing the perfect technical technical job
- Characterize the audience that the activity is oriented;
- Define the type of content (post, video, story and etc.д.) and its style;
- Detailing key messages and ton of voice;
- Timeline of tasks and publications;
- Description of project, providing information about the product/campaign/idea;
- Describe how the influencer is engaged and what results are expected from it;
- Providing the details (text, images, video) that need tobeused in the work;
- Defining the wanted result and the metrics of its measurement.
How to quietly remove all documentation
- Agree and agree all possible conditions of cooperation: format of work, services provided, dates for performance of agreements, amount of payment and its dates and etc.etc. (under good conditions, we advise to do this by e-mail
- Signed contract/act with clear statement of the conditions of cooperation, including the responsibilities of the parties;
- The blogger’s required list of documents (e.g., statements from the registry and etc.д.);
- Agreed payment through an FLP or an other legal entity and signed documents (contract, acts of work performed and etc.etc.);
- Control of signing documents through platforms, e.g. “Vchasno” or “Dia.Signature.”
Publish content and request for statistics
By following these components in their work, both brands, and influencers can create a reliable partnership in which the needs of both parties aremet. Because partnership is about both parties.
Checklist, which will help turn the influencer into a reliable partner
First it is first to determine the objectives of thecampaign, within the framework of which the work with the influencer is planned. Not always a partnership with an influencer with a large audience can close the needs of the campaign. Sometimes and working with local, but specialized opinion leaders will maximum impact. Form a pool of those with the audience that match your needs.
In the stage of selection it is to attend to the following components:
When checking reputation, check to see if the blogger has been involved with any something involved in the Blogger.scandals? What does the blogger write about? Doesn’t work with your competitors? When evaluating bloggers look also at the tonality of comments, involvement of subscribers and the results of past integrations.
Write bloggers with a offer of collaboration (to first best to email, but it is possible to communicate and in social networks) and describe in detail your offer. Ask where the blogger is faster and more comfortable to communicate. Approach to all opinion leaders individually, ask and their questions, not only yours.
The components of the ideal cover are as follows:
Well written brief is 90% of successful collaboration. When a blogger doesn’t wait for you to inform you in portions, but immediately receives the brief needed for the work brief, this forms loyalty to you as a specialist, with who wants to realize ideas.
It is also important to first send the brief and confirm that the blogger agrees to the conditions written in it the conditions. It is preferably to talk verbally, if it is possible. Describe what steps the agreement will be, how many iterations may be, how long it takes to agree with you, what you expect from the blogger.script, draft video integration and etc. Don’t forget to specify the desired dates for the preparation, agreement and publication of content. The Brief is important to send immediately after the influencer expresses their interest in collaboration. This way you minimize the chance of misunderstandings between you.
Secrets of the ideal brief:
Collaboration with influencers is accompanied by appropriate legal legal documentation. This is the law and necessary. Legal processes can be intimidating, but if you calmly approach the task and have a clear plan of action, the process of writing contracts could even delay you. Following these steps, you will be able to operatively close legal issues:
Later by the date of publication you need to confirm with the influencer, is the material ready, is everything going as planned, and then finally agree to it. If the customer has amendments, then it is necessary to introduce them at this stage. Further it will be later.
After publishing thank the blogger for the work. Next – last step:analyzeandcollectstatistics.Solicitstatisticsfromtheposttorequesttheopinion leaderno soonerthanin2-3days.Sinceinthefirstfewdaysthepostgainsmaximumcoverage,andfurthereverythinggoesdown.Ifthecommunicationhasbeeninthestory,thenit is possibletorequeststatisticsas early asthenextday.
Analyzethereceivedstatisticsandthewholeexperienceofcollaborationwithaspecificblogger,andthencombinethedataforallintegrationsintotheopinion leadersintoaonereport.Anddon’tforgettokeepyourbaseofbloggers,whereyourecordtheresultsandimpressionsofcollaborationwitheach.
Partnershiprelationshipsare formedifthe entirecollaborationprocesshasbeenenjoyableandproductiveforyouandyouhavebeenproductiveforyouandyouhavebeenapartnershipwith.Bothparties.
Howyoucommunicateabouttheendofthecollaborationleavesasignificantimpressionofthecollaborationontheblogger.Don’tforgettothanktheinfluencerfortheirwork,don’tbe shytoexpressyourpositiveemotionsandwishtoworkonfutureprojects.Alsolistentotheopinionoftheblogger:hebetterknowswhathisaudiencelikes.One-timeintegrationcanturnintoabeneficiallong-termpartnership.
A singleintegrationcanturnintoabeneficiallong-termpartnership.