
How to extend the vegetable season Effective strategies and practical advice

Kaip prailginti daržovių sezoną? Veiksmingos strategijos ir praktiniai patarimai

The vegetable season is usually short in our climate conditions , but with the appropriate strategies it is possible to extend it and to enjoy fresh vegetables for longer periods. In this article we share tips on how to extend the vegetable season and look at ways to do that .

History Session

To extend the vegetable season , the first and the most important step is–

How to start planting the angstrom

  • Seed in nurseriesat home. Primarily you can sow seeds in pot or boxes in houses during the winter in the antra side. This way will grow seedlings which will later be planted in a field or a greenhouse when as soon as the weather conditions will allow. Particularly suitable early seeds are tomato, pepper, eggplant and early salad vegetables.
  • Sow in a greenhouse. If you have a greenhouse, you can sow vegetables in its interior now in the months of March and April, depending on whetheryourgreenhouseis heated ornot.The climate of the greenhouse allows you to start growing vegetables even in the cold spring and this provides an early harvest.


Greenhousesplantinggreenhouseplantingplantingplanting in a greenhouse

. Here vegetables can grow longer even at lower temperatures outdoors.


  • Longer season. The greenhouse protects plants from frost and provides their replenishing warmth allowing growing and growing from early spring through late fall.
  • Suitable vegetables for greenhouses The ideal vegetables for greenhouses are tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, dill, crab, greens, radicchio and other fast growing sorts. Greenhouse so you can grow some vegetables even in the winter if you install supplemented lighting and heating.

Sow several times per season

In order to exercise the greens and ensure that your veggies are remain fresh all the time it is worth sowing several seasons per season. This is especially appropriate for fast growing vegetables such as salads, radishes, spinach, herbs and others. For example, salads may be planted every 2 weeks from early spring to late autumn. This will ensure that you will have fresh vegetables all the season .

  • Observe the conditions of the season carefully. When planning sowing, take into account the weather conditions and the weather temperatures. For example, cold weather vegetables can be planted in a greenhouse and later moved to the field when the weather is warm enough.
  • Vegetables of different maturities

    Another way to expand the season

    of vegetables

    is to choose vegetables

    of different maturities . This means that you can plant and grow vegetables which differ in maturity time, thereby understanding the time of harvest and securing the providing the providing vitamins from early spring to late autumn.


    • Tomatoes. Choose so early, so late varieties. Active varieties, such as Micro Tom will grow the first fruits quickly, and later varieties, for example, Rome or San Marzano will allow you to enjoy long growing cane in late summer.
    • Salotos. Choose different varieties of salad – early and later. This allows to ensure continuous growth , while the later varieties continue to maturate their leaves.

    Other strategies to

    • Protecting from frost. Use frost protection such as cover , agro-cover or special greenhouses to protect plants and exercise harvesting .
    • Long-growing vegetables. When some vegetables such as carrots, beetroot and cabbage grow for a long time, but they may be planted in the late summer to reach the brand in the late autumn.

    To extend the vegetable season and ensure a continuous supply of fresh produce,It is important to start sowing early , plant in greenhouses, plant severaltimesovertheseasonandchoosevarietiesofvarietyofdifferentmaturities.WiththesestrategiesyoucanenjoythegardenfromearlySpringtolateAutumn,andsometimesevenandinwinter!


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