- How to convert RSM from kilograms to liters?
- How many liters to get the desired quantity of nitrogen?
Key quantity of pure component
It would be wrong to transfer mass RSM expressed in kilograms to liters and versa. However liter is not kilogram and in reverse. Thus the prices of fertilizer are in weight, and at the same RM we also buy per ton or kilogram. On the other hand from the technical side RSM is used in liters. Hence therefore there is more than once the question of how to convert RSM from kilograms to liters and inversely.
If it comes to self converting the pure component or also counting, which nitrogen fertilizer is the cheapest in the pure component, there is no problem. The N quantity is always prescribed as percent and expressed in kilograms, for example, 32 kg N in 100 kg of fertilizer. Under this reason comparing the price of pure component
with other nitrogen fertilizers does differ in any aspect.
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But the key is the conversion of mass RSM expressed in kilograms to liters. This affects both the issues of the application itself, and the technical capabilities of storing fertilizer in tanks. The more, that from the agrotechnical side we are interested prior to that, how much nitrogen we feed per hectare in pure components. Giving e.g., 100 l RSM 32 no we give every 32 kg N /ha. So therefore applying 250 l liquid per hectare not we apply at this 80 kg N, a more.
How to calculate RSM, to get the appropriate amount of nitrogen per hectare?
And yes let’s take into the workshop mentioned already RSM 32. assume, that we want to apply RSM 80 kg of nitrogen (we count the pure component). Planned dose N divide in this arrangement by 0.32. We obtain in th this way the number 250. This to us still says nothing. But in the further part of the result we divide by .density of fertilizer (in this case 1.32 kg/dcm3). Finally we use 189.4. This number is what we need for applications – is the amount of liters that should be per hectare, to provide plants with an example 80 kg of nitrogen in pure nutrients. Below the whole equation and yet.
– We have RSM 32. We want to give 80 kg of nitrogen per hectare.
– target quantity N/ha : content of nitrogen; that is: 80 kg / 0.32
– the obtained in result number divide by density of fertilizer; 250 / 1.32
– the result is
the quantity liters that should be used, to give the desired quantity of nitrogen, in this case we use
189.4 l, which is equivalent to 80 kg N/ha.
Add, that analogous calculation can be made for
another type of RSM, using with this appropriate conversion (i.e. density of fertilizer and value N).
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There is also a less complex way, to calculate an approximate quantity of crop that we should use per hectare.
100 l RSM 32 – 132 kg
32 l – x
Following this action (32 x 132)/100 we obtain the number 42.24. This is the quantity of kilograms of nitrogen in 100 l of RSM. Knowing, that 100 l RSM 32 contains 42.24 kg N in a quite easy way we will calculate already the amount of liquid broth necessary to administer a specific
dose N. And there again – analogously we also proceed in the other fertilizers of RSM.
Note therefore, that
e.g. whole-car supply of RSM, that is 24 t, that is not 24 tys l. In the case
of RSM32thatisless than18.2tys.l.Thisisimportant,whenRSMisdeliveredtoowntanks,often”thousands”.Toconvertkilogramstolitersdividethequantityinkilogramsbydensityoffertilizer(e.g.24thousandkg/1.32).