
How safe to use e-proof and mEvidence? See, how to know theauthenticityof thedocument.

Jak bezpiecznie korzystać z e-dowodu i mDowodu? Zobacz, jak poznać autentyczność dokumentu

The Ministry of Digitization in conjunction with many questions about how to safely use e-proofs and module, has decided to answer the most frequent ones.

What security has e-proof?

E-evidence is a physical document in the form card with chip, so it has both security visible, and invisible to eyes.

Visible security e-evidence is among others:

  • embossing, engraving and inscriptions in special printing technologies,
  • strictly defined color and symbols graphics,
  • transparent hologram placed partially on the photograph,
  • gills, that is ornamental patterns of many thin lines, which form unobvious and same difficult to fabricate combinations.

Invisible security evidence has a relationship with the electronic layer of the document and the certificates in it:

  • Beyond the certificate presence, the other two certificates require PINs, which is given by the owner of the document. These are the corresponding 4-digit PIN for certificate identification and authentication and 6-digit PIN2 for certificate personal signature. These codes are necessary for use of certificates and should not be shared with their users. After three errors input PIN the given certificate is blocked.
  • Each e-certificate is issued also a PUK code, which allows its owner to change the PIN certificate codes or unlock it after three errors input codes. The envelope with PUK codes is issued at the receipt of e-proof. They should be safely stored and not shared with siders .
  • Secure the eventual fourth certificate, required for submission of qualified signatures, are subject to individual contract the owner e-certificate with the provider of the service. This certificate can be purchased and downloaded into the electronic layer document.

CAN e-document

It is worth remembering that the most important identifier e-document is the CAN number. This is the six digits visible in the right bottom root on the page with the photograph and in the code on the return e-card. This number is required to use the document in digital channels. Without his knowledge it cannot be initiated logging into e public services or the process of signing the document e-proof.

How to know, whether mEvidence is authentic and valid?

Available in application mCitizen digital document identity mEvidence has manyelements graphic similar to e-proof. Additionally it has dynamic elements and digital security in the form certificate, which is issued by Ministry of Digitization.

The most important visible features of the proof, which allow to confirm its authenticity, are:

  • the date and time on the document consistent with the date and time of the device,
  • the blue color background and ornament pattern of thin lines, that is gills,
  • a recent photo conforming to the photo from personal evidence or e-evidence (image face derived from Registry of personal evidence),
  • the waving flag of Poland under the photo of the owner module,
  • the hologram in the shape of the god, which changes color dependently on the angle slope of the phone,
  • green inscription “document valid”.

The dynamic elements of the evidence should always move, even when showing the document in the track offline. This is an important feature that testifies the authenticity of the proof.

It is also worth reminding, that the proof can be verified with the code QR. If the person providing mEvidence does not have the ability to generate the code, it still means that the digital document is not authentic. Simply the phone may not be connected to the Internet, a that requires generation of the QR code. For more information about the mCertificate and the methods of verifying it is on the pages of the mCertificate – mCitizen.

What will happen, if I lose the phone with app mCitizen?

Distinguishing from e-proof, mProof cannot be “lost”. You can however lose the phone with the app mCitizen. Gaining access to it by the third person may be then a matter of moments. Therefore the first of the barriers, on which can be counted, is logging.

User can choose different methods of logging to mCitizen:

  • If he decides on the password, it should be difficult to guess, not shorter than 8 characters and consist of letters, digits and special characters. No one other should know it.
  • Another option is logging biometrics, that is the fingerprint or the photograph of the face. This is one of the best security features, strictly linked to the owner of the phone.
  • It is also possible to log two-step, where biometrics are linked to the PIN. This is the best way, to protect access to the citizen.

As shows, logging is a

very effective protection, if the phone with my citizen falls into uncalled hands. In such

accident still however.It is worth taking another step:

  • Activate mCitizen on an other device. Simply,

    that the user activates the app on an other phone, a certificate mCitizen on the previous device automatically loses validity. All documents will stop be visible and no one will be able to use them.

  • Cancel the certificate mEvidence by telephone. In the event of loss of telephone you can also validate the certificate mEvidence, by calling the infoline mCitizen: +48 42 253 54 74.
  • What to do in loss e-evidence?

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Physical document can destroy, lose or be stolen. In such cases it is important to react quickly. Everyone because can access the visible on it information, including the PESEL number, the owner data and the document. If therefore is a personal proof, in this e-proof, has been damaged or disappeared, one should report this to the municipality or through the internet service. If the document has been stolen, the best report this fact to the police. The document will be validated.

The plus is that a temporary lost e-document, which the owner has hope to find, can be suspended for 14 days without losing its validity. Protect it from unauthorized use, because the document and all its certificates issued officially (the certificate of qualified signature is subject of a personal contract with the provider, therefore is not suspended from the office). If e-document is recovered, before the lapse of 14 daysaftersuspensionyouhavetorecover it,in ordertocontinuetouseit.Inothercasetheevidencewillbe invalidated.FurtherabouttheservicecanbereadontheSubmitorrevokethesuspensionofyourevidence.

Additionallythereisanpossibilityto reportconcernsandlosedocumentsintheSystemDOCUMENTSRESTRICTED.Thisisacommondatabaseofdata,whichisusedbybanks,financialinstitutionsandmanyotherentities.IntheSystemyoucannotonlyreportthe following.lossof thedocument,butalsomakepreventivenotificationofthemEvidence number.Thenumberfornotificationsis+48828828828.TheSDZisworthusingeven,ifyoudo nothaveanaccountatbank.MoreinformationonthewebsiteDocumentsProprietary-Lostdocuments?Don’tallowtheftofyouridentity!



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