- For plowing straw, a farmer can receive the equivalent of approximately PLN 200/ha.
- However, there are several important issues to remember, including completing the agrotechnical register.
Many farmers, when submitting applications for this year's direct subsidies, have undertaken to implement the eco-scheme: carbon farming and nutrient management. They often used option 2.8, i.e. mixing straw with soil.
Carbon farming: mixing straw with soil
This is one of the simplest variants and very easy to fulfill. The basic condition is to leave all the straw in the field and not to take it out of the field in the form of, for example, compressed bales.
In the second case, if the farm bales straw, it may use other options, such as mixing manure with soil. This condition is checked when checking this ecoschema. The easiest way to control is right after harvest. All you need to do is use drones and check whether there are any compressed bales in the field. Right after straw management, it is also easy to verify. Over time, and especially after sowing the successor crop, it becomes more and more difficult.
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Approx. PLN 200/ha for plowing straw as part of the eco-scheme
When to mix straw with soil?
Fortunately, it is not regulated by law and the farmer does not have to rush. No regulations refer to the deadline for implementing this practice. This means that no dates are binding on the farmer. The implementation of this variant should be guided by good agricultural practice. Every conscious farmer knows that straw has valuable fertilizing properties and is also a good substrate for creating humus, which is why it is also up to the farmer to manage it well.
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Spring wheat lost the fight against drought
Good practice should be followed
After harvesting the main plant, it should be crushed as best as possible and then mixed with the soil. When? Just as it suits us agrotechnically. When thinking about sowing winter crops, it is best to do so right after the harvest, especially if liming is planned. By quickly removing the stubble, we limit evaporation from the soil. Moreover, as much time as possible will pass from straw management and liming to sowing, which will initiate, with good soil moisture, the process of microbiological decomposition of the straw and allow for the initial dissolution of the lime.
After mixing straw with the soil, you can sow catch crops, sow winter crops or leave these mixed residues until spring, and as it turns out, this practice also provides soil cover for the winter (GAEC 6).
A separate issue is whether slurry can be used on straw, which in practice is often used when having livestock. The interpretation is as follows: slurry can be used, but in this case you should choose either the ecoscheme of mixing straw with soil or the use of liquid natural fertilizers using a method other than splashing. If the farm plans to spread the slurry by splashing, the only option left is to mix the straw with the soil.
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Carbon farming ecoscheme: how to collect points to get the highest subsidy per ha?
How to mix straw with soil?
Here we are also guided by good agricultural practice. From an agrotechnical point of view, every farmer cares about the best possible use of straw, hence the method of processing also plays an important role here.
It is important that the remains are well crushed, which is worth taking care of already at the harvesting and combine harvesting stage. Straw can be mixed using a plow, disc harrow or stubble cultivator. It is also worth noting that, for example, if a farmer uses a disc harrow, where he pre-mixes the residues with the soil and they remain clearly visible in the field during the winter, in this way the GAEC6 standard can be met, i.e. related to the obligation to provide 80%. covers for the winter.
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Drought is destroying corn. The yield is seriously at risk
Mixing straw with soil – how to complete the agrotechnical register?
Unlike the ecoscheme related to manure or the practice of using liquid natural fertilizers using methods other than splashing, a geotagged photo is not needed here. The only document that needs to be kept in the agrotechnical register. It should be printed or kept electronically. Condition – on the day of any inspection, it must be available and completed.
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Register of agrotechnical treatments within ecoschemes. When does it need to be driven?
ARiMR has published one universal register template. In relation to a specific practice, the register should be kept according to this template and must contain all the entries required by the regulation.
Agrotechnical register Sources: ARIMR
What needs to be recorded in this case?
For each plot under this ecoscheme, please specify the plot designation (as in the application for subsidies), provide the registration number and its area, the date of mixing the straw with the soil, the main crop (from which the straw comes), the variant (in this case it is 2.8).
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Refusal to pay for the eco-scheme? When there is no agrotechnical register