Into beans thick-seeded we include quite obvious native species, which are hornbeans, beans and lupins – fine-leaved, yellow and white – only gaining popularity on Poland fields soybeans, and also niche species, such as wyki – seed and kosmata. These last seeded are on the scale of the whole world on areal slightly larger than the other seeded in Poland, hence these should
be treated more as a interest.
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has sense on many planes
Beans, beans and soybeans
Groot cultivated was in Wielkopolska already in the mid XIX century, planting initially at level about 0.6 t/ha, with areal at then about 60 tys. ha. In the past season it was on Poland fields as on 160 thousand hectares, being the most popular of beans. The average plot of last year’s post-registration COBORU study was 3.14 t/ha, and in the case of the best variety was that 3.45 t/ha. If it comes to the composition of seeds, they contain about 20-25 proc. protein, and in modern varieties the share of nutritional compounds, once problematic, has been reduced.
From the other beans had the peak of its popularity in the territory of Poland had in the 20-year interwar period, when this cultivated was even on 150 thousand hectares on the national scale. For years its importance had declined, and after some increases, in last year the areal close to 50 thousand hectares. In last year’s post-registration COBORU surveys, the average plot was 3.5 t/ha, and the best variety achieved 3.89 t/ha. It is difficult to meet the requirements of beans, hence it is rarely successful to exploit its planting potential, reaching in the conditions of Poland 8 t/ha, though in COBORU studies such as. in 2022 year the
best varieties exceeded 5 t/ha, which was a result decidedly better than in the last
year. If it comes to the composition of seeds, beans contain about 25-30 proc. protein,
a modern modern low-tannin varieties are a good forage component.
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What differ between some varieties of soy?
While soy is as a species new on Polish fields, already in the 20th interwar year in Wielkopolska and in the eastern countries it was sown on approximately 1500 hectares. Currently, in the renaissance of this species, which has lasted from about 2010, the areal in the past season reached close to 80 thousand hectares. In last year’s post-registration COBORU crop of the best varieties was 3,49 t/ha for variations very early and early and 3.95 t/ha for mid-late and middle variations. seeds soy contain about 35-45 percent protein and 15-25 percent fat.
Lupin white, yellow and leaf
Lupin white is by far the least popular of lupins cultivated in Poland. It arrived in our country only after the Second World War and never gained more popular because of the large requirements. In last year’s post-registration COBORU test
average plot of tested varieties of lupin white was 3.36 t/ha, while the
best variety achieved 3.53 t/ha. If it comes to the composition of seeds,
they contain about 30-40 percent protein and 9-12 percent fat. In addition to small amounts of lupanin and hydroxyl panins they do not contain these nutritional compounds, a so they are perfect for nutrition for animals.
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Lupine yellow cultivated is in Poland from the early XX century. It is on Polish fields a species occurring more frequently than white lupine, though its importance in last years is clearly declining. In last year’s post-registration COBORU study the average plot of this species was 1.77 t/ha, a best varietyreached 1.90 t/ha. Seeds of lupin yellow contain 42-52 percent protein and 5-7 percent fat. This is the highest content of protein among beans, and this species contains only small quantities of nutritional substances in the form lupin and sparteine, a additional varieties sweet contain only 0.05 proc. alkaloids, responsible for the bitter taste of the seed.
Lupin sweet in our part of Europe is cultivated for fodder since the mid XIX century.
Today on Polish fields it is by far the most popular of lupines, cultivated on about 150 thousand hectares.
In last year’s post-registration COBORU studies the average plant of lupine was 2.18 t/ha, and the best
variety achieved 2.40 t/ha.The seeds of this variety contain 30-35 proc. and 6-8 proc. fat and only small quantities of nutritional substances in lupanin, hydroxyl panin and angustifolin, a additional variety sweet contains only 0.05 proc. alkaloids, responsible for the bitter taste of the seed.
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Is the winter crop threatened? Flowering vegetation does not help
Wyka seed and cosmata
Wyka seed is a species originating from over the Mediterranean areas of Europe, Asia and Africa. In the territory of today Poland it was already in the II century before our era, and at a time slightly more modern the peak of popularity fell in the 20th interwar, when this species was served nearly 30 thousand hectares. Today, although vetch is seeded only infrequently, they still are easy to tend to grow. If there is a crop, for a good performance it is recognized to exceed 1 t/ha, a seed contains about 30 proc. protein,
a modern varieties contain small quantities of nutritional substances.
From the collection
of cosmata as a legal species functions only from the
second half of the 19century,travelingtotheterritoriesoftodayPolandaround1860.year,initiallywithintendedonlyforgreenandcrop.AreacultivationofthisspeciesonthescaleofPolanddoesn’texceedsomethousandshectares,andyieldsareusuallyintherangeof0.5-1t/ha.Seedsofcropcontainabout30proc.protein,howeverintheircompositionthereisalsovitamin,whichisanutritionalsubstance,subjectinthefoodhydrolysistom.among othershydrogen cyanide.