- The value of global exports of natural fertilizers (2023) is USD 1.1 billion (the export of mineral fertilizers was 80 times greater).
- Poland's share in global exports of natural fertilizers in 2023 is 0.4%, and in imports – 2.8%.
- Poland is a net importer of natural fertilizers.
The online training was conducted by representatives of the Institute: Dr. Wioletta Wrzaszcz and M.Sc. Eng. Arkadiusz Zalewski. We have already written about one part on afrmer.pl in the text below. Now we focus on the information provided about natural fertilizers, the role of which is to grow, but on the other hand, a lot is said and done in the context of limiting animal production in the European Union. What do the numbers say?
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Economic conditions of fertilization in agriculture
Natural fertilizers in the EU
The speakers spoke about the importance of natural fertilizers. As they emphasized, unlike mineral fertilizers, they contain practically all the nutrients necessary for the proper growth and development of plants. Their elimination or systematic limitation causes a violation of the ionic balance and processes occurring in the soil environment, and consequently may lead to a decrease in soil fertility and productivity.
But there are problems here, namely the liquidation and concentration of animal production. – We can observe a departure from animal production caused mainly by market conditions, which determine the profitability of this type of production. Other phenomena, which are clearly present in Poland and which have an impact on the fertilizer economy, are the concentration and "area" specialization of animal production – the representatives of the Institute emphasized.
During the training, the number and share of farms using types of natural fertilizers were given as shown in the graph. Unfortunately, this data is not the latest, but it also shows the sad rule that these results are decreasing.
Data from IERiGŻ training What is the trade in natural fertilizers?
During the training, Dr. Wioletta Wrzaszcz and M.Sc. Eng. Arkadiusz Zalewski shared interesting data on trade in natural fertilizers. As it turns out, the value of global exports (2023) is USD 1.1 billion (the export of mineral fertilizers was 80 times greater). And international trade is most often carried out between neighboring countries. Turnover worth USD 826 million (70% of global exports) was carried out by EU countries (including USD 530 million in intra-Community trade).
Data from IERiGŻ training
– Poland's share in global exports of natural fertilizers in 2023 is 0.4%, and in imports – 2.8%. Poland is a net importer of natural fertilizers. In 2023, the value of imports (31 million USD) exceeded exports 6 times, and the volume (220 thousand tons) 8 times. Polish import destinations: Netherlands (55% of import value), Italy, Germany, Latvia. Polish export destinations: Germany (42% of export value), Russia, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus – we learned during the meeting.
It was also recalled that RENURE fertilizers, i.e. "nitrogen recovered from natural fertilizers" – REcovered Nitrogen from manURE is, by definition, any substance containing nitrogen originating wholly or partially from natural fertilizers (recovered through the processing of natural fertilizers), which can be used in areas exposed to nitrogen water pollution and provides appropriate agronomic benefits to increase plant growth.
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RENURE type fertilizers. Nitrogen recovered from manure
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Prices of agricultural services 2024: Manure removal slightly up