Snow removal is for some an opportunity to earn additional money, and for others an annoyance, but an unavoidable expenditure. In many regions of the country the snow has already fallen, so the season for snow should be considered open. And we have checked, how much in this year costs for such services.
Duties of owner
Snow removal is not only a ordinary necessity, but also an obligation of owners and managers of real estate. Regulations oblige us for e.g. to properly maintain the walk along our plot, or remove ice slopes and snow overhangs, which threaten passers. It is worth remembering, because an accident on slippery surfaces is not difficult, and we may suffer its sad financial consequences.
Rates for snow removal
Snow removal can be manually or mechanically, so rates depend on the required effort and time of work, the surface to clean, but also the cost of fuel for a equipment, or vehicle.
Some service providers offer rates per hour of work, others per square meter of cleaned possession. Yes or so, the price for both parties is most determined by the surface to snow. It is that leaves the field for negotiation.
How much for hand work?
The rates for manual snow removal are usually contractual. The demand for such snow removal can be a result of both small surfaces, and the difficulty of operating in a place with machines. For cleaning such as schools, or unpaved yard or plot, one usually has to pay a little more.
As follows from our recognition, for manual snow removal of the sidewalk, the yard, or access road to pay this winter on average from 20 to 50 £ per hour. Higher rates apply in large agglomerations of urban, for example, in neighborhoods of single-family homes in peripheries of Warsaw, or Poznan.
However, it happens that private contractors demand up to 80 £ per hour of work. From the other however pages appear on advertising portals offers of people, who usually want to earn to their pay and they want to work at the rate of even 10 -20 £. Particularly in the case of smaller cities and districts, where there was the last place of work.
Mechanical services. How much per hour?
In this case the service proposes either an hourly rate, or a rate for removing snow from a meter square surface. Im the surface to clean greater,the price lower. Much depends on that, what equipment is to perform the service, because on that depends even the use of fuel.
An worker with a snowblower is paid on average 90-120 £ per hour of work. For work performed by minitractor with plow there is to pay already about 180-200£/hour. For snow removal with a “full-size” plow farm tractor – for example from Lodz – is already 250 £ nett/hour. We can find also only more expensive offers of tractor services with plough, as and cheaper, for each . for 200-250 £ per hour gross. There are even offers with rates for such as. 60 £/hour, plus the cost of fuel, or that same price – but total net – for cleaning large, paved and flat plots.
Rates of meter of surface
Specialized companies offer often rates per square meter of cleaned surface. Their span is one significant, however. It is usually from 1 to 4 zł/m², but e.g. for snow removal of parks before offices, supermarkets, or on closed residential neighborhoods managers pay sometimes even more than 5 zł/m².
Additionally you have to pay for sprinkling the cleaned surface with road salt. For this service providers charge themselves on average 12-15 £ per 100 m² of “salted” surface.
How much for snow removal ?
Additional costs appear then, when there is no place for shovelling from the plot or yard snow we don’t have in the possession place. For transporting the snow to an other designated place, or also after it is picked up by the service provider there is also paid.
And there also appears a some options for payment. We can make for example. meet with a rate per meter cube of displaced snow and there is a “fork” of prices in large cities that is 30-60 £/m³. When you want to haul slurries of snow for example, from your yard to the field behind the barn, an
operator with a loader offers this in Lódz at a rate of 200 £/hour. This does mean only,
that there are no offers cheaper and more expensive.
When you need a tractor with trailer and
loader – the prices increase. For an hour of work of such a set you
have to from 500 to 700 £/hour. But it is difficult to indicate rigid wide
or rates. Sometimes the service provider offers a payment for each filled and exported trailer. Everything depends
on the quantity of snow to transport and distance, because on that depends on consumption
of fuel.