- Straw is expensive, but it is a scarce commodity.
- What are straw prices this season?
How much does straw cost in advertisements?
There are offers where a bale of straw costs PLN 20-25, but the ironing is the responsibility of the buyer. It all depends on the region and demand. There are also locations where the demand for straw is so high that there are offers of PLN 50 per 120 cm bale – if the baling is done by the buyer.
A ton of straw costs approximately PLN 300 – 350/t. In turn, "per hectare" offers include rates of at least PLN 1,000 for collected straw from the windrow (usually for larger areas).
Last year's straw is valued at PLN 50-80 for 125 cm bales. 150 cm bales cost more, over PLN 100 each.
Rarely, but still, there are offers to sell straw in small cubes. Typically, the price of such goods is PLN 5 per piece.
You can also find offers for straw in large cubes on advertising portals. The price per piece (weight over 400 kg) is at least PLN 100 per piece, and usually the rates are higher.
It is in vain to look for offers for straw such as "I will give it away for free". Such offers are now rare, and in fact they almost do not appear.
The method of storage also influences straw prices. Of course, the best quality straw is that which has been stored under a roof. Of course, it is also more expensive. In practice, however, last year's straw left "under a cloud" may almost completely lose any usefulness.
Selling straw is a short-term benefit because you can actually lose more
In a sense, a good prognosis is that fewer and fewer farms decide to sell straw. Awareness of the fertilizing value is increasing – after all, when straw is properly managed, we enrich the soil. In fact, when we sell straw, we sell fertilizer – this is how we should approach this topic. Therefore, some people are ready to sell the by-product after the harvest, but in exchange for another valuable fertilizer, i.e. manure. Let us add that on average a ton of grain straw contains 5 kg of nitrogen, 2.5 kg of phosphorus and over 12 kg of potassium. Additionally, it contains magnesium, sulfur and calcium. If we assume, for example, 5 – 6 tons of straw per hectare, we must pay attention to how many valuable nutrients we could provide to the soil by cutting and managing crop residues. On average, the amount of straw per hectare may be equivalent to about 15 tons of manure per hectare. So, before we decide to sell, let's calculate how many nutrients we get rid of from our field. This is not necessarily a beneficial transaction for the seller.
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