In Poland law may appear an obligation to label the country of origin of food. while the idea of minimal share of Polish products in large stores seems unrealistic.- The European Commission has repeatedly questioned such solutions as contradictory to EU law – stresses Stefan Krajewski, Secretary of State.
In its pre-election promises the Civic Coalition talked about introducing in shops an obligation to mark the flag of country of origin all fresh products.
Member Arthur Jaroslav Lacki of the end 2024 year. has requested to the minister of agriculture and development of rural in the issue of mandatory food flag and introducing regulations for minimum share of Polish products in sales in large supermarkets.
What with election promises? The vote on this issue was taken by Stefan Krajewski, Secretary of State.
He reminded, that Poland is a leading producer of food and in the European market.
How many Polish products in supermarkets?
According to actual estimates conducted by the Polish Trade and Distribution organization the actual share in sales of products of Polish origin in large-area stores is:
- meat to over 96%,
- meat products to 98%,
- milk and dairy products to 97%,
- eggs to 97%,
- vegetables and fruits to 76%,
- breads almost 93%
Krajewski confirms, that these data are consistent with the results of international products agricultural – food of Poland. In foreign markets Poland sells including 70% of domestic produced beef; 50-60% of domestic produced poultry and 30% of domestic produced milk.
According to information from the Polish Trade organization and Distribution networks affiliated with the organization cooperate with approximately 5 thousand domestic producers. – Of course, the intention of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Village is to this cooperation network with national producers, local suppliers would even
more develop and that the shops would offer more Polish, local products – he reports.
Flag on food in shops. The Resort of agriculture plans such regulations
What are the concrete plans of the ministry on the imposition of flagging of the country of origin of all fresh products in shops? – The Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Villages analysis of the binding legislation, both at national and EU levels enables the consideration of introducing aSuch obligation. At the current time in the Ministry there are planned work on development of the regulation of Minister of Agriculture and Development of Village introducing the above requirement – Krajewski reports.
A what about the requirement to have a specific number of Polish products in shops? Such initiatives have already been taken
by other member states, like Czech Republic, Romania or Slovakia.
– Tries to introduce such solutions by member states were
challenged by the European Commission as incompatible with the law of the EU, in this freedom of flow of goods and freedom of entrepreneurship – Krajewski points out.
– In connection with the above to increase the share of salesofPolishlocalfoodproductsinshopstheremustbesolutions,thatwillnotbequestionedbytheEC.AnimportantroleintheincreasedshareofPolishproductsonshelvesoflarge-formatstoresisbecauseitistotheirpreferencesthatstoresadjusttheirofferings.This is whytheMinistryofAgricultureandDevelopmentofVillageisconductinganeducationalcampaignencouragingthepurchaseofPolishproducts”Buyconsciously”- writesStefanKrajewski.