The rumors about tirs carrying overpriced pigs into Poland from Germany have been heard already sometimes. Already over a week then we decided to look into the case and according to our findings nothing indicated, that the published in social media reports
might have something in common with the truth.
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Will they flood nas tanie tuczniki from Germany?
Everyone has heard, no one has seen
Data GIW on the import of pork from Germany
Simultaneously we requested the Main Inspectorate of Veterinary to provide detailed data on quantities of shipment and volume of import live pigs. We have to not wait for a while, no less today we can officially say, that from day 10 to 29 January from the territory of Germany has entered Poland 60 shipment of live pigs totaling 12 786 stocks of cattle pigs. Please remember, that this value does not include in the animals transported by Germany by transport (e.g. Danish pigs).
GIA has also reported a comparison of the number of live pigs entering Poland on the days 1 – 22 January this year and in the analogous period of the year last year. This year’s value for this period amounted 73 shipment encompassing 12 953 pigs. In the last year there were 89 shipment containing 17 083 hundreds of pigs.
Comparing these data we see that there is no import of live pigs there can be today speak. The aforementioned less than 13 thousand pigs
that have entered us since 10 still are the day pig production capacity of one domestic
slaughterhouse. And begin to consider that there are not only fatteners, but also archlings.
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Improprieties at German Border? Inspection Veterinary demonstrates prophecies
What with import pork ?
Of course the above information does not contradict the fact, that to Poland may – and probably are entering large quantities of half-carcasses, or chips imported by our plants. With this thesis we do not intend to argue, in fact unofficial voices confirming it we haveheardfromsomesources.Unfortunatelyit will bedifficultforthepresenttoestimatewhatquantitieswe are talking about.DatasuchisprovidedwithconfidencebytheEuropean Commission,EurostatorGermanDestatis.Morewewillhavetonot yetwait.