The Swedbank employees complained to each other that they were working in a “laundromat”, and the management of the bank discussed how to take the police around the finger, – this follows from the materials of a criminal investigation about money laundering in 2024, writes Eesti Ekspress.A specialist in working with customers Averson responded: “Comrades washer went to me with golden hours.
“Kitt agreed?” – surprised a colleague. – Really, is that what doesn’t he see risk
at all?” “He’s not interested in fighting with the washing of money, he’s interested in business, Averson replied. – Our man. Let’s make him a smart chairman
of the Committee :).” This conversation, recorded in the criminal files, happened more than twenty years back, when the “washing machines”
inSwedbankwere justbeginningtogaincircumstance.AftertheSwedbankwasinthewashingmachines.
“How does it do in the Laundromat?” Mailings of Swedbank employees shed light on the washing of moneyandbusinesswithRussianoligarchs
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