Groot, in the case of which we can talk about wintering, is a bright that is sown in autumn. These are the typical variants of jare, while for wintering the select those with the greatest resistance to low temperatures. However, only such varieties further with success can be seeded in spring, a therefore contrary to the potential, it is not a wintering crop.
Benefits of autumn seeding grass
Autumn seeding grass has a number of benefits, on the hand with the possibility of full utilization of water post-winter or “escape” from agrophages, thanks to earlier reaching the next phases of vegetation. Additionally there should be the achievement of greater development
before the summer period of drought and no fall, which gives a opportunity for greater plants
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With better access to water the root system develops faster, and plants are better nourished. At the same time the growing from autumn sowing initiates flower bundles late enough, in order to avoid spring frosts, but with this flowers early enough, to be before droughts. Wintering peas are in Poland decidedly more popular than the other beans wintering, although in Germany some popularity is attained by autumn seeding beans.
Resistance of peas to low temperatures
Cultivation of wintering peas has a chance of success provided that they survive on winter. From this reason it is key to select varieties with higher resistance to low temperatures. Multi-year research conducted at Bydgoska Polytechnic by prof. dr hab. Janusz Prusiński and dr inż. Magdalena Borowska showed, that in the conditions of war. Kujawsko-Pomorskie
from the autumn seeding date the best performed the varieties James, Dexter and Myster. The results of this
research were reported by scientists in 2023 year in the quarterly Agronomy Science.
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Seeds of peas germinate already at temperatures of soil of order 2-3°C. It is important that after seeding there are no already decreases in temperature to level causing freezing soil to the depth of the seed, a only at that place should be reminded, of the necessity of appropriately deep operation of the seeder.
Resistance of grape to low temperatures is primarily a variant characteristic, but it also from some moment decreases, in the maintaining the sequent phases of vegetation.
Without the snow cover, for which in last years it increasingly difficult, border temperature, dependent
on variety, is from -7°C to -10°C, but under snow, which has insulating properties,
it is already from -10°C to even -16°C. Additional problems may unfortunately also cause strong frost winds.
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Periodization of pea
In addition to selection variety for periodization of pea the key is the sowing date. It is the second half of October, eventually first days of November, of course under condition of normal weather. Groots sown too early can still be in the autumn period susceptible to agrophages, and also may breed, which difficult to winter. At the same time this is the only species of that is generated after the start in spring, of course under the condition, that the earlier seeds do not spring just before frost.
Before going to winter dormancy the plants must also be in the appropriate phase of vegetation. Optimally the growth
should reach about 4 cm high,and the leaves should not still be decomposed. At this time resistance to frost
is the most. Important there is also obviously a properly developed root system. What is important, growth has this
major advantage, that under the condition of damaging only the top of the growth, and the growth will come from the lateral shoot.
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How much for sowing strip-till beets and corn in 2025 year?
Similarly as in other species, in early spring it is worth checking the state of planting and wintering of beet. If on the surface soil there are no visible plants, find seeds and check their state. Of whether they are live and germinating, there is no problem, they will start as only the temperature permits. From but if our traces offrost damage,theyprobablyhavebeen able to swellbeforethearrivalofstrongfrostsandplantationisunlikelytoeliminate.Ifon the other handtheplantsarevisibleonthesurfacesoil,itisnecessaryto checktheirstateandplanting.Theminimumplantingisabout80-90pcs/m².Returningon the other handtothestatusofplants,asweestablishedabove,thegrowerwillcontinuetovegetate,by howdamagedisonlythetopof the growth,andtheremainingpartof theplantdoesnothavetracesoffrost damage.