
How does agriculture look like in Kazakhstan?

Jak wygląda rolnictwo w Kazachstanie?

Kazakhstan is a state located in most in central Asia, though only 12 percent of its surface is included in Europe. It has a surface 2 724 902 km² and counts about 20 million inhabitants. It is therefore close to 9 times larger than Poland, counting with nearly half fewer populations, and with nearly 25 percent. population per city in three largest cities. The population density in Kazakhstan is 7 persons per kilometer square, against 120 in Poland. Considering additionally the history associated with the Soviet Union, it is not surprising that the agriculture of this country is different, from that we know.

Past in the Soviet Union

In the years 1925-1991 Kazakhstan was in the Soviet Union, as the Kazakh Socialist Republic Soviet. These several years in a significant way affected the country and its inhabitants, leading

development in a completely different direction than hitherto.

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Early the area of Kazakhstan in large degree was covered by steppe, a agricultural activity was primarily in grazing goats, sheep, vultures and cattle by nomadic tribes. The times of the Soviet are not only the forced settlement of cowherds, collectivization or transformation of steppe into original land, but also utilizing Kazakh past as a borderless polling ground. From this also because powerful areas in this country are now contaminated. Additionally it was in the territory of today Kazakhstan that a major environmental catastrophe happened in the form of the Aral Sea, caused by attempts to water the empty.

Huge areas and significant role of leases

Similarly as in other republics of the USSR, also in early Kazakhstan dominated in the rural scape whekhoz and sovkhoz, a so large state farms and cooperatives agricultural. Despite the constitutional changes and

transformations of ownership, the effects of this are visible to today, a concept of small

or large farms is completely different than for us.

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Although we haven’t found official data on the average area of farm in Kazakhstan, give to thinking fragments of the content from the internet website of Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture, expressly “small and medium farms having a surface of up to 5 tys. ha.” Interesting quotes can also be found in reports of Western European companies, opening representation in Kazakhstan, for example. “The average client has about 40 000 hectares, while a small Kazakh farmer works on about 2000 hectares.”

Giving thinking information is also provided by publications of the American Ministry of Agriculture, whose employees describe impressions of the trip to Kazakh replicants. We learn for example, that “95 percent of farms have less than 1,000 hectares”, but at the same time “77 percent of farms. of total cereal production is produced in enterprises with a size of more than 5000 hectares”. This already comes to the thought, that these 5 proc. farms must have a

surface significantly more than thousand hectares, which is confirmed by another fragment “In Kostanai, the largest county producing grain in

Kazakhstan, the largest holding controls 900 thousand hectares – 20 perc. area of seeded land” or “In Northern Kazakhstan around 20

holding farms control 80 percent of seeded land.”

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However, completely instead.than in us, there are almost no farms with owned land, and the dominant is leasing from the treasury of the state. Some publications reminisce about own land only on small “hobbyist” farms producing for their own needs, where the average surface is not in hectares a acre, which indicates, that we are preferably with home gardens. From the farm typical farms or agricultural enterprises sign 49-year contracts leasing state land. from one side imposes this some order, but from the other almost to zero restricts turnover of the land, since the law prohibits subleasing land to the state treasury.

Small plots and large nursing programs

With such large areas, which we mentioned above, we might expect huge scale production, however it appears that the performance obtained in Kazakhstan is far far from that, what we would recognize under Polish conditions as good yields. This is with certain one sided by the extensive character of agriculture, with a small participation of mineral fertilizers and measures to protect plants – for example. in official reports nobody is covering with that, that the areal of threat has significantly shrunk in last years because of agrophages attacking it -but at the same time with not hidden by the public such as the Ministry. Ministry of Agriculture, the backwardness of this section of the economy.

Walking to concretes,

on the internet websites of Kazakh state institutions we can find conversations with farmers, where they praise good wheat plants, with

that a good plant is in their realities exceeding 2.5 t/ha. Average results from the Polish point of view

decidedly not slow – this is for example about 1 t/ha of wheat or 1.3 t/ha of barley. In Kazakhstan high importance however has one crops not very popular in Poland, such as lime, lamb or melons.

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In beginning we also mentioned about the drying of the Aral Sea in the result of attempts to irrigate the past. It is therefore worth stressing, that irrigation has been the basis of development of Kazakh agriculture for decades. On the country scale there are as almost 1.5 million ha, a thanks to the government funded program of building or rebuilding irrigation facilities, this area has increased for some years by about 150 thousand hectares per year. Today in Poland there is about 70 thousand hectares, which interesting, compared to close 100 thousand hectares in 1980 year.

Production animal in Kazakhstan

Free Kazakh steps, partially present restored, utilized are as pastures, on which are conducted in extensive manner of animal production. Although the head of cattle or poultry is multiple fewer than in Poland, and cattle

only slightly larger, with significantly larger area of the country, in Kazakhstan the major importance of other species.

These agricans

maintain close to 17 million horses, over 2 million horses, close to 2 million goats, over 200 thousand

cultivars or close to 30thousandaxons.Forcomparison,theheadofhorsesinPolandisabout200thousandheads,goatsslightlyover50thousandheads,andhorsesabout300thousandheads.It shouldbe emphasizedon the other handthatinPolandhorsesaremainlyforrecreationalandsportpurposes,whileKazakhstanisoneofthelargestintheworldproducersof horsemeat.


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