- How how to calculate the price of pure ingredient in multicomponent fertilizers?
- Is worth comparing the price of pure component in products based on one macronutrient?
From the economic site it is the pure component that element, which should be of most interest. Of course in deciding about choosing a vehicle price is not the only argument, that determines the justification of choosing one or the other product. However important are also important factors such as for example, form of nitrogen, solubility of fertilizer or size of granule (this is important also f from the technical side). Nevertheless assuming approximate technical parameters of the product the price
of the pure component will be the key, which may influence the purchasing decision.
Let’s find out how to calculate their pure component.
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How to calculate the price of pure component in multicomponent fertilizers ?
Another calculate the price of pure component as in multicomponent fertilizer as and single-component fertilizer. In this first case it is a question slightly more complex.
First let’s examine single-ingredient fertilizers. To begin calculation of multicomponent fertilizers we must first know the price of the pure component in fertilizers based on a macronutrient. Check in this example the price of ammonium sulfate, superphosphate granular and salt potassium, a therefore products based on N, P and K.
– assume the price of ammonium salt 34 % at level 1700 /ton. In such case a kilogram of nitrogen costs 5 zł (price divide by the quantity of nitrogen in ton, a so 1700/340).
– Superphosphate granulated P (Ca – S) 19 (31 – 21) is valued at 1400 £/t. We proceed analogously as in the calculation above. Yes so a kilogram of phosphorus in this fertilizer costs 7.36 £.
– Salt potassium (60%) costs 1800 £/t. A kilogram of potassium costs 3 £.
Knowing these prices we can count the price of pure nutrient in multicomponent fertilizers. At the same time we reveal a trend, which from themany years we observe in the market, that is, a certain gradation of prices in fertilizers. The most expensive is phosphorus, and the cheapest potassium. Azot is in the middle of this rate.
Now let’s check prices N, P and K in multicomponent fertilizer. We take into the workshop for example, Polyphoska 6 (NPK 6 – 20 – 30). We assume the price of this fertilizer at level 2650 zł/t. With this we calculate the price of individual components.
– With a ton Polyphoska 6 we have 60 kg of nitrogen. With pricing N calculated for salts ammonium in the example above (5 £/kg) we make therefore the calculation: 60 kg x 5 £ = 300 £.
– Next in identical way we proceed with phosphorus. 200 kg x 7.36 £ = 1472 £.
– I finally potassium: 300 kg x 3 ³ = 900 ³.
Summarize the results, that is: 300 £ + 1472 £ + 900 £ = 2672 £. This is the estimated value of fertilizer based on prices of pure components of single-ingredient fertilizers. In this way we can comparison whether it is more profitable to administer each macronutrient separately or it is better to use a product based on all components at together. There
are such moments in the market, when these differences are large. There are such practically there is no such.
Of course in the spring system the situation is slightly different, because for e.g., the market is simple. in early
spring in ozimin phosphorus does not make sense. In this way we can however comparison of other fertilizers (e.g. potassium + sulfur etc). At the same time however, remember, to take also consider the specific requirements of a given condition.
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It is worth comparing price of pure component
It is worth comparing price also between same vehicles based on one component. Differences in prices for example. nitrogen in individual products may be sometimes quite significant. Let’s take attention to for example. on saletra ammonium and urea. In our example a kilogram of nitrogen in saletra.Ammonium costs 5 £. Suppose with this price of urea at 2250 £/t. It turns out that nitrogen in urea is in this case only minimally cheaper (4.9 £ per kilogram). Let’s check yet RSM 32. At a price of 1600 zl/t the cost of nitrogen is the same as in the case of salter ammonium.
However, there are often such that the differences between the price of the pure component in nitrogen tend to be significantly greater. This is why it is worth to make such calculations. If between one and the other note we have a lot difference in the pricing of the pure component, then the differences are already significant. When administering
150 kg N/ha we have 150 £ differences in the creation of the nitrogen. And that in conversion to concrete quantity hectares
“makes” already a difference.
The clear there are also other aspects. Huge, even fundamental importance, the form of note. In the case of
spring fertilization even though nitrogen in urea would be much cheaper, there is less justification for adding amide form for example. in the threshold is small, because we need a fast acting form N. This application theoretically is cheaper than the nitrogen, but it is quite late, from the agrotechnical side there is no sense( if however it is appropriately early then often even in the throw may be considered over application of urea).
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How comparison fertilizers multicomponent?
Sometimes fertilizers multicomponent are compared “on quick” by price and quantity of same components. Example: we have two products NPK (NPK 6 – 18 – 34 and NPK 7 – 18 – 28). The first of these is valued at 2500 £/t, the second at 2400 £/t. A which is relatively cheaper? NPK 6-18-34 costing 2500 £/t has total 580 kg of ingredients. In this method the price of fertilizer.divide by the quantity of components. Average cost of pure componentis4.31£/kginNPK6-18-34.FromcollegeNPK7-18-28valuedat2400£hasintotal530kgofthese.The averagepriceofthepurecomponentinthisproductagainstthisis£4.52.Theoreticallycheaperthereforeisafertilizer6-18-34,whoseunitpriceisby100£higherperton.Neverthelesslet’snotice,thatthismethodisnotveryaccurate,becauseit consistsof”throwing”intoonebagalltheingredients,doesnottaketheproportionofandpricetheingredientsseparately.Intheexampleabovethefertilizer6-18-34issubstantiallycheaper,butcontainsinatonof10kglessnitrogen,forthatmakes upforpotassium.Atwhichitselfpotassiumisthecheapestcomponentinthismajortrioofmacronutrients(nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium).