– The perception of our sector by non professionals is very pejorative and saturated with emotions. No professional activities, a and therefore actually focused on improving well-being, the effect of which is at least improving productivity and health of animals, they are received by the society as those that affect the goodness –
says Prof. Golębiewski.
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animal welfare? Key criteria ask
Antropomorphization of animals provides more harm than benefit
As explains our interviewer, this results from many factors, primarily from the reluctance to assume, that animals and their perception of the world is no different from human, which is very far from reality.
– Society has a propensity to anthropomorphize, that is to give animals human qualities. Unfortunately this also affects all activities, which are intended to improve well-being, but only human. In the case of animals, because of biological, physiological and behavioral differences, these activities, that we apply to our species, are not necessarily good for the species, whose well-being is valued by the society.
There is a growing very large problem – prof. Golębiewski.
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How convince the public, that breeders dbodan of animals?
An urgent need for education of the youngest
As indicates, today the non-farming society is very far from the chainproduction, in associated with why not much knows about the biology and behavior of farm animals.
– for this reason understanding breeders is difficult. My opinion, that to find out this one would have started this education much earlier, already at the preschool and primary school stage. Introduce that, which is very important for every man. (…). With the effects of work breeders and farmers we meet sometimes
per day, when we eat a meal. We all should know, how important their work is – our
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Key in improving the welfare of animals is social education
Expanding knowledge shows, that breeders do not hurt animals
As Prof. Golębiewski, recognizing the other side, in this getting information about animals farming, their lives, behavioral needs and perceptions of their environment, which are completely different than in humans, could change much .
– Farm animals are different from us. They have completely different senses, set to completely different goals. When this is all discovered, it appears that the breeder is not a murderer or someone, who hurts these animals. It is also worth pointing out, that this would have a very bad impact in the utility context. Animals, which have been treated inappropriately are not just unhappy and have worse behavior, but and are less productive. Really to many would not be profitable – explains our interviewer.
A human is a cow is a cow
Prof. Golębiewski emphasizes, that wanting to evaluate the welfare of animals, we must look completely differently at the world than through the prism of our experiences and minds.
– This is however difficult to explain, because empathy in society is very large, and also directed and fueled by repeating only the wrong practices, with which we are encountering, both and they are involved.owners of companion animals, like and farm animals. There are those, who keep their animals should for different reasons – says Prof. Golębiewski. – However, if one looks from the perspective of an animal, then a totally different image of this reality emerges. Then it is possible to communicate. If however the person sending the communication and the that receives it, they are at different levels
of abstraction, then we have to do with understanding. I think, that this is the main
cause of that, that the good is by the society completely differently perceived thanbyspecialists,practitionersandbreeders,whohaveyearsofexperienceinkeepingofthesespecies-he adds.