What influences the purchasing decisions of Polish consumers? The most important criterion remains trust for brands. The increase was reported by the wide choice criteria and the ratio of quality to price. Poland consumers are increasingly frequently noticing also how they are served. EY-Parthenon prepared Retail Performance Ranking 2024. Although leaders held their positions, there was no shortage of surprising conclusions.
- In during dynamic changes in the retail market trust in brands is becoming a key factor influencing the purchasing decisions of Polish consumers – this conclusion follows from 2. edition of study “Retail Performance Ranking 2024”.
- In framework of the study respondents evaluated retailers in 14 criteria divided in three groups: perfection stationary, digital and general. For all studied networks 2024 year. there is a decrease in generic perfection, a minimal increase stationary and slightly greater digital.
- Results of studies show, that Allegro retains the lead position, and in the leading ranking are also other known brands, such as Rossmann, Empik and Smyk.
- The ratings given to retailers show, that the market is divided into a third group of leading networks in all segments (except apparel) and a large group of players still in that, in this mainly in the food and clothing and shoes – comments Gorz Przytuła, EY-Parthenon, Partner.
Retail Performance Ranking 2024. This influences the purchasing decisions of Polish consumers
In the general assessment of researched retailers the most important criterion inconsistently remains trust for brands, though that in comparison with 2023 year. dropped by 0.3 points percentage (pp.). Growth was reported by wide selection criteria and ratio of quality to price. Poland consumers and more often also pay attention to how they are served and whether staff in the store have adequate knowledge and how helpful they are. Changes in shopping preferences indicate the increasing importance of the shopping experience,
and also the growing popularity of online shopping. In contrast, the largest decrease among criteria of evaluation was reported by sustainable development of retailers. In 2023
year indicated this 6.5% of respondents of the survey, in 2024 year – only 5.7%.
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Lidl and Biedronka out TOP 10 in the ranking of retail chains. Who best understands customers?
In last year’s survey consumers rated higher the sustainable development of retailers, but – and this was not only in Poland – attention to its high cost. Despite growing confidence in individual markets a large group of Polanders feel that dealers exaggerate their commitment to protect the environment. Additionally functioning in the environment high inflation causes, that some consumers revalued priorities in making purchasing decisions – speaks Grzegorz Przytuła, EY-Parthenon, Partner.
Leaders without changes, advance Hebe
The top four best rated retailers have not changed – at the leading rank remain Allegro, Rossmann, Empik and Smyk. A competitor Rossmann, that is Hebe, from the 12th place in 2023 year. jumped to position 5. The Network has gained the trust of consumers and has been highly appreciated for the wide selection and quality of products in the store.
The largest promotion, although for small, to get in the first place, has dropped the Bricomarché – by 13 position. People appreciated the ratio of quality to price, the quality of store staff and the activities taken
in sustainable development. Sephora has promoted by 12 items thanks to the high value of the shopping offline and online, a Leroy Merlin by 10 – thanks to increased trust of consumers for the brand. It has also received high
ratings for the wide selection and enjoyment of online shopping.
MediaMarkt and Biedronka have
lost favor of consumers
Among the surveyed brands the greatest decline was MediaMarkt – by
13 places. People are dissatisfied with the quality of service,
the multichannel experience and don’t have the pleasure of shopping offline. Biedronka in th this year has only taken the 23rd place (year earlier 7th). Here the main
reasons for decline were poor quality of customer service and ratio of quality to price.
Ranking of best retailers in comparison with 2023 . graphic: EY
In the first two rankings is Rossmann, which has received the most highest ratings, because we in 10 in 14 categories: confidence, wide choice, quality service and staff in the store, enjoyment of shopping offline, convenience and support of the shopping decision, sustainable development, closeness of the store and experience of multichannel. Allegro was the winner in 4 categories: ratio of quality to price, support of shopping decisions online, enjoyment and convenience of shopping online. Empik, which closes the podium, has been appreciated before all for the wide selection, quality of service customer, convenience and enjoyment of
shopping online. Hebe received improved ratings for activities related to sustainable development, convenience and support of the shopping decision offline,
and also the quality of staff in the store. Grocery retailers received high ratings only for the enjoyment of
shopping offline (Lidl) and proximity to store (Żabka and Biedronka) – read in the  report;EY-Parthenon.
In all studied segments the leader position from the previous years remained the same networks. It is interesting, that despite declining overall ratings Biedronka has gained more supporters, similar to Smyk and Media Expert. Weakens for this position Empik, Ikea and H&M.
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Empik in 2025 years wants to have close to
400 salons stationary. There is financing
The overwhelming majority of retailers in health and beauty categories improved this year their appraisals, but the overall attractiveness of this segment still is at a average level.
Grocery items and first needs
The survey shows a decline in the overall appraisal of discounters. I though Lidl still is the leader, it has declined by 1.5 pp. Biedronka had to subside Kaufland and dropped
to the third place. His rating was improved by
convenience stores, but
their position has not increased.- still are on the end of the ranking.
Ranking the best shops food, graphic: EY
Health and Beauty
In this year’s rankings this sector decidedly improved its ratings. The undisputed leader, the next year of the ranking,
is Rossmann, but it is catching up to Hebe. Ziko pharmacies
recorded the largest
growth, because by three places, in comparison with 2023 . Sephora jumped by two positions and passed its competitor, the chain Douglas, which dropped by four positions (the largest drop in this year’s ranking).
Ranking of best stores
Home and garden
All retail networks in this segment have been in 2024
years. rated higher than the year previously. The
leader is
Ikea, and the third place promoted Leroy Merlin. Castorama held the second position, although it is increasingly worse perceived by consumers. The biggest jump, because by three places, was recorded by chain Bricomarché, and the biggest drop was by home&you.
Ranking of best stores
Market leaders, that isMediaExpertandRTVEuroAGD,havebeenratedbyconsumersbetterthantheothernetworks,theirratingshavenotchangedincomparisonwith2023.MediaMarktdroppedbyoneplacewithaworseratingby3.4pp.Onthepodiumtoitsplacecamex-kom.pl,amorele.net,foundattheendoftheranking,recordedthehighestincreaseinratings.
The surveywasconductedinsevencountries.Respondentsrated14categoriesinframe10business segments.Respondentsprovidedover45thousandrespondents.This year’ssurveyisthesecondconductedinPoland.Assessed59differentretailersonthebasisof questionnairesfilledbynearly3thousandrespondents.