LHV analyst and economist Heido Vitsur told the morning show on Vikerraadio who, according to his definition, can be considered rich and who can be considered poor in Estonia. Heido Vitsur. Photo: Tairo Lutter
LHV analyst and economist Heido Vitsur told the morning show on Vikerraadio who, according to his definition, can be considered rich and who can be considered poor in Estonia.
In the morning show on Vikerraadio, analyst and economist Heido Vitsur spoke about inflation in Estonia. Over the past three years, he has been angry that nothing has been done in Estonia to stop the rise in prices, but rather, the government has made them increase.
Vitsur noted that since 2020, prices in Estonia have jumped by 37.5%, with food by 40% and housing by 90%. The population sliding into poverty is forced to spend more than half of its income on food and housing. The hosts of the program asked the question: what does poverty mean, and where is the line between poverty, wealth and the average standard of living in our country?