
Guess will open other stores in Poland

Guess będzie otwierał kolejne sklepy w Polsce

In 2025 year the opening of new flag stores Guess is planned in Tokyo and home Los Angeles. The next steps are openings in Poland and Dubai.In 2024 year Guess Poland expanded its occupied office space in Electric Powiśle in Warsaw. The American gigant mod took a total of over 1700 sq.m.

On the fourth floor (1300 sq.m.) there are not only workstations but also 3 showrooms. Additionally to the possibility of the tenant there is a large terrace. The Guess brand decided to extend the contract for the next years and additionally did an expansion, adding about. 430 sq.m. of space on the second floor of building B, expanding the exhibition area inside the office.

Expanding the office space, increasing the space and the quantity of showrooms from 3 to 6 will allow us not only further development of our current markets, but also the new brand Guess Jeans. We are also expanding the presence of individual product categories – summarizes Waldemar Madajczyk, Vice President CEE GUESS.

Guess with flag stores

The first jeans Guess stonewashed appeared in 1981 year, a creator of the brand is Nicolai Marciano – now Chief New Business Development Officer. Guess uses responsible processes production, based on GUESS AIRWASH™ technology, developed in cooperation with Jeanology. Substitutes it replaces the traditionally used pumice with air and water, enabling environmental production denim, without resigning from the characteristic vintage finish. Following the inauguration of flag
stores in Amsterdam and Berlin and locations inOrioalSerio,AthensandKosovo,GUESSJEANS has alsoorganizedpop-upsinParis,Barcelona,Milan,IstanbulandWarsaw,andalsohasfollowedforthethirdappearanceatthefestivalCoachella.

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