As reveals, the lands covered by the agreement cover over 300 parcels of a total area of over 460 hectares. The agreement is inscribed in the government of Group Azota, according to which Group is developing the potential of its port infrastructure.
Agreement on development of the Maritime Port Group Azotas in Police
– Maritime Port Group Azotas Police is our big attribute, which especially now – in the period of intensive search for solutions to improve financial stability of Group Azota – we want to maximize. We have ambitious plans related to develop port areas. This is an perfect place to conduct production or industrial activities, thanks to available technical infrastructure, which opens space for hundreds of new work places in Police. Today work is underway related to construction of the rail node in the construction of rail line number 437 to the Maritime Port Police, for which in last year we received EU funds in the amount of over 33 million euros. Thanks to the connection with the national and international rail network, we will increase our handling capacity, a self port will gain intermodal capacities – stresses the president of Group Azotica Police, the vice-president of Group Azotica S.A. Andrzej Dawidowski.
This is not the only person, who has spoken on this issue.
– Chemical Police is one of the most known places on the economic map of the region, for years one of the largest employers in the province. The financial situation of Azota Group is not the best after years of action by the previous government, but the effects of the present authorities are clearly visible. To the current management I would like to congratulate on effectiveness. I am happy about the recurring cooperation of the Province. Diversification of production activities is necessary, because the world of economy, the world of chemistry is significantly changing, a other fields are becoming important, such as offshore, or green raw materials, for which there is an increasing demand. Based on the Maritime Port in Police we want to create a viable hub economically and yes for some months we work on supporting the process
of building the logistics and industrial park.Industrial around Police. This will be aided by the rail sideway and the Western Surround of the
communication of this area among others. with the industrial park in Goleniów. Our CIG, which has for 20 years supported locating
investments in Western Pomerania,will actively solicit investors also for Police. There are very favorable conditions – says Marshal of Western Pomeranian Olgierd Geblewicz.
Read more
The Azota Group is ready to supply fertilizers at competitive price instead imported from Russia
Facilitating maritime transport
As follows from communication, parallel to investments conducted directly in the port, tenders have been announced for construction of the Western Seaport, which will significantly improve transport. The supplementation of this project with the construction of the Railway bypass of the Police Group, would allow to transport hazardous materials out of the urban Police and Szczecin areas.
– The effect of the signed Agreement is to increase the economic potential and attractiveness of investment areas of Police Municipality, as a investor friendly place and increasing competitiveness in the regional job market. The activities have a purpose to increase income, resulting from handling ports, leases, services ports and increase local fees. Development of port facilities will allow location of businesses chemical, fuel, construction steel, offshore, OZE or logistics, which should transfer to new work places – inform Group Azotas.
This is not all.
– The signing of the agreement opens new opportunities for development of our region. Collaborative activities for development of the Maritime Port in Police will allow to attract investors and create new jobs. Thanks to investments in infrastructure our region will become even more competitive in the market, which will benefit both the economy, and the residents. I am glad that we can
as the County State in Police participate in this important initiative – said State Police Shivan Fate.
And adds another representative of the authority. -.Thanks to all infrastructural projects in our municipality and Szczecin,
Police is becoming an attractive investment place, important partners want to locate their capital – said Mayor Police Krystian
Kowalewski. – This will without doubt affect the quality of our market work, but also create economic perspectives.
Newcapital,newinvestments,willincreasefinancialsecurityofthemunicipalityPoliceandresidents-Kowalewski points out.