
Growth of wages and burnout: totals of 2024 year in thelabormarketofBelarusBelarusia

Рост зарплат и выгорание: итоги 2024 года на рынке труда Беларуси

The Research Center conducted a survey of 2943 job seekers to find out how they had 2024 year and what they plan to do in 2025 year.

44.4% of surveyed users of the website said that they had changed jobs in the outgoing year. More than half of they stated that the new job was better than the previous one, 13.5% reported, that the same as and previous, and 15.3% confessed that the new job was worse, than the that was previous. 18.8 percent of respondents chose “Difficult to answer.”

Worth saying that at the end of 2023 year 31.2% of respondents were prepared to reduce their wage expectations for guaranteed employment, while 51.9% were not prepared. In this year we see that job seekers have started to feel more confident in the labor market. Answering the similar question in this year, the share of those, those who

were ready to agree to a lower wage to 17.7% and the part of those who were

not>ready to 68%>increased.

 Rosla payroll and burnout: totals 2024 year in the labor market of Belarus

76% of job seekers who took part in the survey, don’t feel threatened of firing in the current job, 14.8% of the surveyed feel threatened of firing, 9.2% have difficulty answering this question. In the data ratio the trends of the past year are continued.

Every four participants in the survey feel that employers made more effort to retain employees in 2024 than last year.

The popular ways of retaining employees respondents cited: increasing wages ,improved working conditions, additional monetary benefits, flexible schedule, career growth, change in responsibilities, additional holidays, hybrid schedule.

Participants in the survey said

also that employers offered additional training, interesting commuting, giving more freedom and trust in work projects.

But some some interviewees confessed that they were restrained by

contract terms, aggressions and even threats.

 Rosla payroll and burnout: totals 2024 year

in the labor market in Belarus

According to the responses of respondents, in many companies were increasing wages .

 Rosla wages and burnout: totals 2024 year in the labor market of Belarus

In the same time 16.3% of participants in the survey reported, that their company had selective reductions in staff in the outgoing year, 7,2% of respondents said that there were many reductions, while a majority of respondents (58.3%) stated that no reductions had occurred, 18.2% confessed that they had not heard of similar incidents.

In this year people have increased the number of people looking for jobs. If at the end of 2023 year 25.2% of respondents came forward that they were looking for a job and 7.2% had already found it, then at the end of 2024 the year the share of

those wanting to find an additional job increased to 54.6%, and those already having it to 9%.

What are the plans for 2025 year?

    • 43.6% of participants in the survey said that they would want to change the sphere of activity in the coming year;
    • 54.7% of respondents declared that they would want to change jobs in 2025 year;
    • users of the site

      have admitted that they want tospend more time with family, more attention to career and self-realization.

     Rosa wages and burnout: totals of 2024 year in the labor market in Belarus

    A also in the survey of users of the site told their main

    successes and failures of the outgoing year.

    The Top 3 successes of 2024 year respondents named:newjobs,increasedwages,increasedskills.Everyfifthparticipantinthesurveyconsidersthattheparticularsuccessesinthepastyearhehasnotbeen.

    TheTop 3popularfailuresoftheyearaccording totheparticipantsinthesurveyare:burning outatwork,disappointmentwiththecompany(job),permanentrework.


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