
Group Azoty is ready to supply fertilizers at competitive price instead of imported fromRussia

Grupa Azoty jest gotowa dostarczyć nawozy w konkurencyjnej cenie zamiast importowanych z Rosji

Yes, as the import of agricultural crops from across the border suffer Poland farmers, so also imports fertilizers from Russia or Belarus negatively reflect on the situation of producers from the European Union, who produce under conditions of completely different costs, both labor and raw materials, as and energy. We asked in the Office of Corporate Communications Group Azota how the market, in that Self Group Azota, is preparing for changes in the post of import restrictions, what changes to expect and how the ETS system affects the competitiveness of producers of fertilizers.

The impact of cele on the market of vehicles in Poland

as stated by spokeswoman Press Group Azota Monika Darnobyt,The conduct of additional targets on nations from Russia and Belarus is a defensive action, uncontrollable and destabilizing impact of imports on the economic system of the European Union. Signifies that the EU is open to all

other regions of the world, such as Africa, Biski East or U.S. which already had been natural directions of

import ferries.

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– In the proposal of the European Commission we see an willingness to reconcile different arguments and sectors. This is some type of compromise. Maintaining producing cognition in the European Union – and to do this is necessary to create equal competitive conditions – is a guarantee of safety of cognition. It is worth reminding, that as Group Azotia we supported the imposition of tariffs on grain from Russia, because we perfectly understood, that this issue, which was key to the profitability of agricultural production for our customers. We must at the same time remember, that agriculture in the EU is subsidized through a system of subsidies, that is related to food security. For European producers of fertilizers, the challenge to the size of that the farmers have faced when importing cereals, is importing fertilizers from the East. To this there are such issues as even the fees paid in .Within the system ETS are high prices of gas – Monica

Darnobyt says.

Competitive prices of ferries

According to a press Group spokeswoman Azota the launch

of targets will mean predictability in the level of sales of ferries, a consequence

of their prices. Stresses, that the largest Poland producer of fertilizers is dependent on long relationships with customers, hence wants to supply fertilizers at the most competitive price possible.

Duties will block import fertilizers from the East? Not necessarily

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Customs will block import nawozow ze east? Not necessarily

– What significant, in the case of imposing tariffs on producers from Russia and Belarus, The European Union is self-sufficient in providing access to fertilizers for farmers from the European Union. It is worth pointing out, that in the season 2022/2023 the domestic consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers was slightly above 50 percent, a fertilizer NNPK has exceeded 60 percent of domestic production capacity. We are just before the start of the spring season, working in optimal configuration production, enabling to serve all markets and protect domestic farmers in fertilizers – says Monica Darnobyt.

Costs of system ETS

Not from today it is said, that system

ETS negatively affects the competitiveness of fertilizer producers from European Union. What does it really rely upon? ETS is an EU right to emission of carbon dioxide, whose

purchase in much affects the cost of production, and therefore and the price of product. The clear producers outside the European Union do not

bear this cost, which is one of the component of lower product costs, a therefore also the possibility of offering lower price for sales.

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Expert about tariffs on ferries from Russia and Belarus. How will the market react? Will prices go up?

– The costsof theETSsystempaidbyEuropeanproducerslimitthecompetitivenessoftheEuropeanfertilizerincountriesoutsidetheEuropean Union,whicharenotobligatedtopaythesefees.We observeanincreasingunderstandingoftheproblemofdecliningcompetitivenessofproducerswiththeEU,theresultof whichisthepublicationofanEUcompetitiveness compass, among others.WithgreatattentionwewillanalyzethewritingsofthedocumentandhowithastheopportunitytoimprovethecompetitivepositionoftheEUindustry-saysaspokeswomanofGroupAzota.

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