Two days ago on the break Financial Times appeared an article concerning the plans of the largest Poland chemical company that is the Group Azoty. Not from now it is known, that it has financial problems. Now it has been reported that the company is considering selling its German business fertilizer business. In this way it wants to strengthen its finances in the further fight against the expensive competition from Russia and Belarus. In conversation with the “Financial Times” vice president of Group Azoty Andrzej Skolmowski reminded, that Group Azoty is struggling with the problem of liquidity financial and with debt. In October Azoty recorded a loss in the third quarter at a level of 226 million £ (53 million euro) against 743 million £ in the same period year before. He admitted that, that although Azota Group in 2018 year has strengthened its position as one of the largest producers of vehicles in Europe by buying the German company Compo for 235 million euro this may appear, that
it will be sold. As added on the fractions of the gazette, the
decision is not taken yet. We have questioned with sources whether there really
are such plans.
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Does Group Azoty want to sell its German business?
– According to information reported by the Management Board, the financial situation of the Group requires consideration of all possible scenarios, in this disinvestment, in the purpose of returning to full financial stability – responded to portal farmer.pl Monika Darnobyt, spokeswoman press Group Azoty.
As added: “one of the options being analyzed is also selling Compo Expert, however at this moment no final decision has been made in this area.”
What is for Compo Expert?
We remind you, that in November 2018 . we informed about that the Poland Group Azoty had acquired the German company Compo Expert – producer of specialty fertilizers. It acquired a 25.000 shares constituting 100 percent of share capital in the Company Goat TopCo GmbH with site in Münster, in Germany – owner Compo Expert. For theshares of producer of specialty fertilizers a Polish company paid 226,637 thousand euros. On the day of closing the transaction the Group had paid the whole price for the shares and took to their title.
As we read on the pages of Compo Expert its headquarters are located in Münster in Westphalia. It is an international company with its sales offices in 22 countries in Europe, North America and South, and also in Asia and Africa. The company is a manufacturer of high quality, specialized fertilizers and biostimulants. Production
is performed in four owned factories in Krefeld (Germany), La Vall d’Uixó (Spain), Deinze (Belgium)
and Patras (Greece).
Products Compo Expert are dedicated to professional users, especially for fruit,
vegetable, crops field production, for the maintenance of sports, the recreation and green public, a also of nursery and green plants.
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rozszerza wspolpracywithCompoExpert .