The EEC Trends conference, which is being held in Warsaw 3 February, is the prologue of the spring European Economic Congress. As highlighted initiating the event Wojciech Kuśpik, initiator of the conference and president of Group PTWP, this year the organizers of the European Economic Congress (EEC – European Economic Congress) will focus on the issues about the most important topics of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council, a therefore building competitiveness of the economy in close relationship with safety and resilience.
Europe is starting to understand, that there is no other way, as to accelerate action in to rebuild a new international competitive economy. Without strong economy, own and modern production, without powerful technology we cannot think about European security and future – emphasized Wojciech Kuśpik.
Europe puts on competitiveness
– Security in seven different dimensions is the main title of our presidency. The Poland Presidency has the most important theme – competitiveness of the European economy, in this also of Poland. This priority numbers one, because it cannot be implemented any priority, if we don’t have good,
competitive economy, and that Europe is lacking – in like spirit commented prof. Jerzy Buzek, former President of the European Parliament in the years 2009-2012 and former Premier of Poland.
Increasing competitiveness of the EU economy will mean changes in the Green Land. As said Jerzy Buzek, this does not mean withdrawal from implementation of this program, but its revision, even in construction, which is already happening.
In three weeks there will be published a pact related to clean industry – he announced.
-Intheconstruction,that isthetradesystememissions We wanttogivea certainlacktotheEuropeaneconomy,tomakesomecorrections,whichwillbewellacceptedbycitizens-he added.