
Greater farmers want to close the German border. There is anappealtothePrime Minister.

Wielkopolscy rolnicy chcą zamknięcia niemieckiej granicy. Jest apel do premiera

In the meeting in addition to members of the Wielkopolska Agricultural Chamber participated also representatives of the Provincial Inspectorate of Veterinary in Poznan, Wielkopolski Agricultural Advisory Center, and also the Provincial Office in Poznan.

W During the meeting Tomasz Wielich, head of the health team. health and protection of animals in the provincial Inspectorate of Veterinary in Poznan told the meeting the most important information related to the appearance in Germany of flu. He recalled, that the disease was confirmed on 10 January in samples taken from water buffaloes kept in a show farm located far from Berlin. Susceptible animals found in the focus, as and in a radius of 1 km from this have

been culled, while in a radius of 3 and 10 km from the focal area had

been required and threatened with flu.



demand better protection against flu

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Farmers demand better protection against pimples

How Poland protects against pimples?

Tomasz Wielich also discussed the activity of Polish services to protect the Polish – German border before the entry into the country of virus flu. He reported, that the activities in the country were taken quite quickly after information about the appearance of flu in our neighbors. Particular attention was paid to Poland-German border crossings, where all procedures were verified by special control groups. Additional inspections of vehicles, which were entering our country from Brandenburg were introduced. There were also organized national narada – meetings of the Chief Veterinarian with provincial inspectors. District doctors have also been charged with increasing social awareness in connection with the occurrence of this disease. Tomasz Wielich added, that at border introduced additional restrictions, including disinfection of vehicles entering with the animals into the country, a also conducted are very thorough inspections of documentation – any inaccuracies in

How did flu originate in Germany?

As the expert found, the unknown is the route through which the virus of flu entered the farm:

– Today there is an epizootic investigation and considered are different aspects. Of the tle other infectious diseases the path is characterized by its high ability to transmit through air –

in this way it can travel up to 60 km. Major sources of infection are direct contact with an infected animal, transmission

by human (e.g. on clothing, shoes or bicycles vehicles), feeding – especially by cattle leftovers of food containing

meat – read in the communication of the Isba.


Why cannot close the border with Germany? Chief Veterinarian answers

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Why cannot close the border with Germany? Principal Veterinary Doctor Responses

Dramatic situation of breeders three

Participants in the meeting farmers have noted the catastrophic situation of breeders three. As they said, some shops are already operating with prices at levels of 4.50 zl per kilogram of food. According to breeders, it is that German pork and frequently appears on the domestic market.

One of the postulates present at the meeting of breeders was the temporary closing the Polish – German border. They also criticized the actions of the Polish party, which they believe are not sufficient in relation to the actual threat. Farmers have pointed out, that the introduction of flu

in our country will lead to huge financial consequences, a Animals will be massively picked and liquidated will

be whole stocks. They added, that the costs of renewing agricultural production are huge and if they have

to renew production, e.g. cattle, there are already after farming. It was considered whether the state budget has guaranteed funds for the eventual disposal of animals and payment of compensation. The statement.FMD in our country is also blocking exports of Polish products of animal origin.

KRIR wants acceleration of preventive action protecting against flu

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KRIR wants acceleration of preventive action protecting against flu

Controls on the border are fiction?

Farmers have noted that the current controls on the border are illegal. There should be introduced tight controls such as Germany has, where all the time is observed incoming cars.Farmershavealso indicatedthatwealwayshaverequestedafterthefactthatthe diseasehasentered.Allagreedthatthatitisnecessaryto takeimmediateaction,toin nowaythediseasewillgetintoourcountry,becauseitwillruinouragriculture.
The presidentof theWielkopolskaIsbaAgriculturalDeclared,thattheWielskaIsbaAgriculturalwillappealtothePrime Ministeron the theissueof temporarilyclosingtheborderandimposingaban onimportofanimalsandanimalproductsfrom Germany.The Chamberalso announcedasimilarappealdirectedtotheGovernorofWielkopolskaandtheMarshalofthe province.



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