Dutch chain supermarkets Jumbo have resolved price disputes with brands Red Bull and Pringles, allowing their products to return to store shelves. The second to size the supermarket network in the Netherlands has one conflict with Douwe Egberts, however.
Product price disputes. Products are disappearing from shelves
Few weeks ago Red Bull stopped supplies to Jumbo because of disagreements about pricing purchases. Some franchisees were both, sourcing not directly from the manufacturer. From last week products are appearing on shelves, and a spokesperson confirmed, that the conflict has been resolved. The supermarkets are also returning, after months of unavailability in relation to the Jumbo dispute with
their manufacturer, the Kellanova company, Chips Pringles.
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price war. W this year also there will be no promotions
Pressure on suppliers
Jumbo exerts pressure on suppliers, to improve pricing, which sometimes leads to a boycott of their markets. Such was the case for such gigants, as Henkel, Perfetti van Melle, PepsiCo and Grand’Italia. There are current discussions with Douwe Egberts – on shelves there still is a shortage of some products of this manufacturer. Because of the significant increase in the price of the mother JDE Peet’sisinconflictwithothertrading chains,suchasAlbertHeijn,Aldi,ColruytandEdeka.