The UK department of agriculture informed, that it is exploring legal possibilities to impose a complete ban on three active substances used in plant protection measures: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam. Planters of sugar beets and agricultural unions are warning, that the sugar industry on the island will decline as a result of this decision – donates Schweizer Bauer.
Ban in the trope on bees
The Department of Agriculture and Environment announced, that future avoidance of the mentioned neonicotinoids will no longer possible. The Ministry intends to introduce a complete ban on the use of clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in plant protection products. These plans constitute “an important step forward in fulfilling electoral obligations for protection of bees, butterflies and the environment in general” – arguments the department.
Situations emergency
The National Farmers Union (NFU) has however, expressed strong opposition to these intentions. Arguments, that beets sugar are not flowering plants, so they do not attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.The Association also notes that viral yellowing of beets has led many planters of beets to losses in crops reaching 80%. These are the main reasons for which the previous government for some years from the government issued failure permits for use of neonicotinoids. The law permits such departure in emergency situations based on the expected risk of disease occurrence.
The industry argues also, that scientists from the institute of agricultural research Rothamsted Research in 2024 year estimated the risk of infection with hepatitis virus to 83%. That’s why DEFRA has granted an authorization in an emergency for treatment of beet sugar Cruiser SB, containing the active substance thiamethoxam. According NFU, without such treatment the seed beet would lose a large part of the harvest. Use of crops nations would also be allowed in the previous three years, though in 2021 years. Cruiser SB was not used, because the required threshold of its use was not exceeded.
Ecologists against spraying
Organizations environmental and beekeepers have repeatedly however protested against permits for ononicotinoids. Ecologists claim, that since 1900 year one third of the bee population in Great Britain has disappeared, a 13 of 35 species of bees occurring in Great Britain have already extinct. They blame this mainly chemical sprays on plants.crops.
Procedure compliant with law
The National Union of Farmers considers, that the complete prohibition of three neonicotinoids stands a “disturbing” legal precedent. He reminds, that the current process of approving active substances in the ordinary try is based on rigorous regulations, a use of neonicotinoids approved may be only when, when the indicator of risk of infection with beetle predicted by an independent scientific Rothamsted Research reaches the threshold established by Defra.
It is important that the ministry continues cooperation with the sugar industry, to ensure that this rigorous procedure – stressed the chairman of the government NFU Sugar Michael Sly. It is important that the national beet sugar industry, employing over
9500 people, had access to pesticides necessary for profitable cultivation of beets for as long, as there remains a
threat of dangerous plant diseases.
Ministry while what has been clarified, that all applications for award approval of plant
protection measures for the year 2025 will be processed in accordance with applicable law.
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