The State Duma has received amendments to article 7 of the Law on advertising (from 13.03.2006 # 38-F3), which expands the list of goods which advertising is not allowed, writes buh.ru.
Tero Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock/Fotodom
Deputies, who prepared the amendments, said that in the number of disclosed advertising of beer has increased significantly.
“Due to the ban on direct advertising of beer, many companies are promoting it in within other categories of goods, for example non-alcoholic beer. The advertising of non-alcoholic beer is actively used by beer producers to promote their alcoholic products. Such advertising contains symbolism and visualization, identical to alcoholic beverages to the degree of mixing. This creates preconditions for the proliferation of alcoholic brands among underage people, forming their positive perceptions of the consumption of beer, – the parliamentarians explained.
In connection with this legislative bill # 831965-8 proposes to include non-alcoholic beer in the list of goods, the advertising of which isnot
“Federal law is directed to limit the influence of the advertising of non-alcoholic beer, which contributes to the popularization of alcoholic brands and forms underage associations with the use of alcoholic drinks”, -thedeputies noted.