The Polish gold strengthened against the euro to a level unchanged from euro to 2018 . Our currency declined to from to 4.21 gold. As we hear, this may be an expression of hope connected to the end of the war in Ukraine.
That which failed over 2024 years, the market did over two days of dry and strengthened the gloom up to the level of the, which was seen the last time almost seven years ago.
The strengthening of the Poland country is taking place in spite of not other optimistic economic data. Really gold is the most expensive in history. For its part over the past ten years the nominal euro rate was lower only the spring of 2015, Spring 2017 and early 2018 .
“An important factor influencing the gold strength may be the prospect of the end of war in Ukraine, could start a new wave of foreign funds flowing into Poland ” – said Michal Stajniak, Director of XTB Analysis Department .
The break of the euro and the gold pair would most likely not have not been in the optimistic mood prevailing in the global finance market at the time.Equity markets in America and Europe are now beating historic records, analysts forecast further growth, and economists the prospect of an economic recovery in low inflation. All this is an apetite for risky content, including the Poland zlot.
The decline of the Euro exchange rate against the 2018 year level is the result of a long defence of the 4.25 gold level breach. And this, in my opinion, is a game for the gaps in Ukraine.Theoretically,thisopensapathto4,1350goldcourse.This is the2018yearindustriallevel”-summarisesXelionChiefEconomistPiotrKuczynski.