Gloria Jeans has changed general director. Maksim Basov has given up his position in the
Photo: Stankovskaya V./Retail.ru
O that Maksim Basov has resigned from the post of Gloria Jeans and left the company, three sources in Maksim Basov had previously held leadership positions in The departure of the top manager may be connected with the fact that his view on development of the business didn’t agree with vision of the owner, says one of interlocutors. According to another source close to the network, Maksim Basov will now focus on personal projects in the IT-sphere.For example, in December 2024 of the year he increased to 73.57% his own share in the IT sector.in Alexander Tarasov is also from Rusagro, where from summer 2022 and to end 2024 year he was executive director. Before he worked in the Kopeika retail network, X5 Group, and in 2017-2022 hewasexecutivevice presidentof financeGloriaJeans.