In February 2025 year in Moscow will open new p perfume boutique Giardino Giardino Magico. The retailer has leased the premises about 33 sq. m in building on one of key trade corridors in the capital.
Source: NF NF Group
This is the third mono-brand store Giardino Magico in the city. The consultant for the deal leasing was the company NF Group.
For the realization of the third mono-brand boutique was selected trade space located at B. Nikitskaya ul, d. 17. This is one of the most demanding locations from side tenants premises format street-retail. The brand will occupy 33 sq. m in a historic building which is in surrounded by premium establishments of public food and several cultural heritage objects.
“The opening of the new Giardino Magico boutique confirms the trend that we observed at the end of 2024 year. Bolshaya Nikitskaya continues transforming into boutique-gastronomic location, vacant places are gradually filled with projects of fashion segment. “As of December 2024 year the share of free premises on street was 7.2%”, – said Irina Kozina, director of the direction of street-retail NF Group.
Russian brand Giardino Giardino Magico specializes in the production of perfumes and care cosmetics. Company was founded in 2021 year, now the perfume line Giardino Magico is represented on Russian market – in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Voronezh and others.городах, также за рубежом.