The Russian shadow fleet is successfully avoiding the sanctions of the European Union, demonstrating how easy it is to change the name and “roof”, the Finnish media reported. The US, different from the EU,
is taking a harsher and actionable approach. Tankers. Illustrative photo. Photo: Madis Veltman
Russian shadow fleet successfully avoiding the sanctions of the European Union, demonstrating how easy it is to change the name and “roof”, the Finnish
media reported. The U.S., different from the EU, is taking a tougher harder and actionable approach.
For example, the Hana tanker Hana has quietly changed its name and flag after being placed on the EU’s sanctions list.
The familiar Finns tanker December 21 early morning departed from the Russian port Primorsk and passed Beyond Helsinki on Christmas Eve. After three days the oil tanker of the shadow fleet left the BalticSeaanddrovetotheBrazilianportParanagua.