
German government against subsidies area in new WPR. Money only for climate and environmental services

Niemiecki rząd przeciw dopłatom obszarowym w nowej WPR. Pieniądze tylko za usługi klimatyczne i środowiskowe

The still in-charge politicians of the Greens and Left do not intend to defend area subsidies in negotiations for reform of common agricultural policy EU. According to these, in the future farmers should receive money only for measurable climate and environmental – reports Agrarheute.

Subsidies area are not future

From the portal stance it appears, that in concern with the accession of Ukraine to the EU payments based mainly on the quantity of land for crop “are not future.” Payment of land can be served only for small farms. In other cases the basic subsidy per hectare should be replaced by payments that reward measurable climate-environmental effectiveness in agriculture.

According to governing factions, future support for agriculture should be consistent with the principle “money public for public services.” Farmers should receive premiums for concrete activities for protection of climate, soil, water, nature and animals, for which does not receive any gratification

in the market. Money from direct subsidies should therefore be shifted to environmental activities.

Integration with EU without subsidies funeral Ukrainian agriculture - weight expert

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Integration with the EU without subsidies funeral Ukrainian agriculture – waza expert

Capping returns?

In its stance, the German government federal has also mentioned the instruments of degression and capping -. a therefore limiting support for the largest agricultural producers – which previous Germany consistently rejected in previous agricultural reforms EU.

The German federal government is therefore opposed to financial reinforcement of the agricultural reserve in the

EU budget. I also want to prevent other situations of exhaustion of resources for action, which has occurred when the rule was “who first, that

is better.”

Ukraine is  coping with EU limits. EU is the largest market for Ukrainian agriculture

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Ukraine is coping with EU limits. The EU is the largest market for Ukrainian agriculture

Less bureaucracy and control

Reds and Greens postulate also diametrically simplifying the WPR and “slimming down” the related bureaucracy. According to these postulates, in the future national strategic plans would be limited only to description of general assumptions, a member states themselves decide what measures to take, to achieve agreed general objectives.

Documentation and reporting obligations,

should be in the German government’s view restricted such to member countries, as and against farmers, a control

should be fewer and oriented only on evident risks.

Germany: AfD

rejects WPR and Green Lad in election campaign

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Germany: AfD rejects WPR and Green Lad in election campaign

Crisis in agriculture

Reform WPR in opinion Berlin, should also determine a clear distinction between market crises and weather crises in agriculture.

Market crisis in far far following the Brussels, but weather crisis should be solved at the level of national authorities. This will ensure that the needy and the disadvantaged will receive effective help more quickly. The federal government postulates also introducing transparent criteria for use of EU reserve agriculture.

New instruments of


Politicians of the “fractured” coalition are also proposing additional instruments of financing in the WPR. The first of these is financial support for young farmers

with minimum budget, a second is financial support and advice for women in agriculture.

3 billion

euro for low-cost loans for farmers. European Bank Investment approved farmer program

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3 billion euros at- low-cost loans for farmers. The European Investment Bank has approved the farmer program

Election already behind the belt

It’s hard not to notice, that the German government of the already dissolved governing coalition has presented its vision of a new WPR, when the campaign is already going before the deadline elections to Parliament scheduled on 23 February.The Greens and Left replicate in part the slogans reported earlier in election programs of center-right groups and ultra-right AfD -. at least those referring to the progress WPR, reducing bureaucracy and giving more competence in shaping agricultural policy to member states. This would fulfill the demands made by protesting German farmers, and their voices are fighting now against factions.

But, that the Greens and Reds

in Germany further oppose for Green Land and the agricultural politics they want the climate-environmental politics, dropping the

promises of low food prices by fighting monopolies and the dictate of large corporations. The Right then

strongly speaks “stop” for implemented climate strategies, giving priority to developing competitive in global market German industry and agriculture.

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Izby Agricultural from countries V4 appear in defense of budget WPR

The government has adopted a resolution on project changes in Strategic Plan for WPR.

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TheGovernmenthas passedaresolutiononchangesinStrategic PlanforWPR.projectchangesinStrategic PlanforWPRReadmore

Farmersare facingadifficultyear,aproblemswillbeonlypiled







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