Mex Poland SA, an gastronomic company from the main Parquet of the Market Value Exchange in Warsaw, expects to earn 106.7 million zlotys of consolidated revenue net from sales at the end of 2024 year. Expected performance means increase by 12% year.
Today Mex Poland manages 52 local catering establishments, which operate in the largest cities in the country. Further in January this year the network will be expanded by two new locals – Pizzanova in Cracow and Chicas&Gorillas in Warsaw, which have the purpose of strengthening the Group’s presence in key markets.
Mex Poland: consolidated revenues at end 2024 year exceed 106 million £
– We are pursuing a development strategy, which enables us to achieve ambitious financial goals and strengthen position in the market gastronomy. Through new openings and improvement of offers we meet increasing expectations of customers, generating growth beneficial for us and our shareholders. We expect that consolidated revenues at the end of 2024 year will exceed 106 million PLN, which will mean 12% growth year to year. Our activity is growing systematically for years. In 2023 year we also recorded a something percent increase in revenue relative to 2022 year. This is the effect of a long-term strategy, which combines expansion of networks with optimization of offers. – speaks Dariusz Kowalik, member of the board and director finance Mex Poland SA.
52 locals in portfolio Mex Poland
In 2024 Group Mex Poland opened 9 new locals, among others in Cracow, Catowice and Wroclaw. Currently Group manages 52 locals catering.
Strategic assumptions of Capital Group Mex Poland include further development of activities Mex Poland in large cities and popular tourist destinations, reinforcing the current markets and opening new, high-margin locations, with a planned rate of six new locations per year. In addition, the company seeks to maintaintheprofitabilityofitsown premises,andalsotofurtherdevelopfranchiseformarketswithstablefunds.