
Galloping prices in stores. Purchases are increasingly more expensive. What has become mostmore expensive?

Galopujące ceny w sklepach. Zakupy są coraz droższe. Co najbardzej podrożało?

Rising prices in stores. Poles must reach deeper in wallets

From the last edition of report pt. “Index Prices in Retail Stores ” shows, that in December 2024 year. of 17 monitored categories they all had increased – in the range from 0.2% to 10.3% year. It can be seen, that it looked like this in November. Growth was then from 0.2% to 16.6% year. However we cannot forget about that this was a specific period for dealers and the consumers themselves.

– Before holidays with rules we observe increased variability of prices, which causes the range of price fluctuations between categories to increase.The decrease in difference, if it comes to the high value measurement in December compared to the previous month, results from the stabilization of vegetable prices, which in November 2024 year. had increased by 16.6% rd

– estimates dr Tomasz Kopyściański from University WSB Merito.

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Change in front of dairy. Today the most increasing prices of chemicals, art. fat and vegetables

Total from the report shows, that in December prices in shops have gone up on average by 5.6% rdr. For comparison we can indicate, that earlier analyses, conducted according to the same method, showed increase rdr. in November by 5.5%, and in October – by 5.4%. Recently the most expensive category was business chemicals, that is, by 10.3% year. In November it was one of the least expensive categories with an increase of 0.6% year.

The increase in prices of economic chemicals results from the pre-holiday season and preparations for new regulations in protection of the environment, to enter in to come in 2025 year. Through this may decrease e.g. packaging. To this has obviously added its impact on costs of raw materials, logistics and this similar issues – analyzes dr Maria Andrzej Falinski, former director general of POHiD.

Dr. hab. Slawomir Jankiewicz, prof. UWSB Merito, notes, that before holidays sales of economic chemicals from regime increase by some percent. Traders are taking advantage of this situation, to increase profits. Also there has been an increase in the price of electric and gas, which will in 2025 year increase strongly. Their importance in the position of costs in this category is high. This has transferred to a surge in product prices.

Remember that large enterprises are not subject to state protection, through which e.g. consumers have frozen prices, and the difference between market prices and frozen prices is paid by the state. However first collects those money from households with the help of taxes – points prof. UWSB Merito.

In the second position, similarly as in November, in the ranking of the most expensive categories are the fat products, including the following. butter, margarine and oil, with average price increase of 8.8% year. In November they increased year by 10.4% year. From the category in October this category was out of TOP5 more expensive, with increasing by 6.9% year.

– Behind the strong increase in this category is primarily buttery. In the market milk production has in the last time to decrease the supply. Less milk was produced, that might have become more expensive. On the other hand in December it was possible to observe many promotions on sales of butter. possible, that the moothing of increasing trends was also influenced by the Government Agency Strategic – says Marcin Luzinski of Santander Bank Poland.

while Robert Biegaj from Group Offerista adds, that despite w. survival, the average price of butter still was in December high, a growth rdr. exceeded 30%. – In addition to butter, high influence on the price level for fat products has plant oils . Because of the global decline in the production of plant oils, there are more expensive especially sunflower oil and hash in world markets, which may transfer to increases in the prices of those products in retail stores in next months – adds dr Kopyściański of WSB Merito.

Prices of vegetables also up to high

In the third position in the wide ranking were vegetables with averaged increase in prices of 8.6% year. For comparison it must be pointed out, that in November they were in first place and they are more expensive rdr.average of 16.6%. Commenting on this, Robert Riegaj states, that vegetables for the third time of the order hold one of the leading places in the rankings. I this has appeared for good some months. To this expert adds, that this situation is likely to change quickly.

Despite all vegetables, similar to fruits, they have not become as radically more expensive, as the market has assumed. Sellers have not raised any so much prices, but this doesn’t mean that in the ear the trend will stop. On the contrary, the cost of food purchases further will grow rapidly, as as in the previous years, when they drove at a rate exceeding inflation indicators – prognoses dr Piotr Arak of VeloBank.

On the fourth position of the most expensive categories were sweets and desserts with rising prices at 8.4% year. Month previously they were on the third place and they became more expensive rd by 10.2%. An expert from Offerista Group adds, that this category has for many months still strongly remain in the closest leaders of price, though in December slightly lost on growth dynamics.

– The persistence of sweets and desserts among leaders of dairy shows, that this category still is susceptible to cost pressures resulting from prices of raw materials, such as cacao. At the same time the slowdown of dynamic growth in December may indicate part promotional activities and the choice by consumers of lower alternatives – considers dr Piotr Arak.

The list TOP5 of the most expensive categories closes fruits with averaged increase rdr. at a level of 8.2% year. In November fruits rose in price year. by 7.4% and were at the fifth position in the wide ranking, but in October their prices went up by 9.9% year. You can see, that the dynamics of increasing prices in this category are starting to grow slightly.

Statements of harvest fruits a prediction of prices in shops

– Final estimates of this year’s harvest confirm a strong decline in supply of fruits. This is the effect of frosts in April, storms in May and then summer drought. The harvest of cherries was lower by 1/3 than a year previously, of plums and of cherries – by 1/4, a of raspberries – by 1/5. Yes strong disruptions of supply are influencing increases in prices, which – in my opinion – will continue in the next months – states Marcin Luzinski of Santander Bank Poland.

From behind TOP5, that is at the sixth position in the ranking, has found itself.Dairy withaveragegrowthof8.1%rd.Previouslyrecordedanidenticaljumpandwasfourthintheset.FromthebottominOctoberthegrowthwasatalevelof7.2%year.Inthenextplaceinthesetofthemost expensivecategoriesareutilitiesandartforchildren,whichincreasedby5.6%and5.1%year, respectively.

Materialisgetting more expensiveandwillbecome more expensive,alastincreaseinpricesshowsaseasonalincreaseinenergyandfeed costs.Decliningexportsshouldslowpriceincrease,butthisisnotverysuccessful,sothereisincreasingpressureandshiftingsalesoutEU,topreserveanimalheadingandlevelproductionofmilkandprocesses-summarizesdrAndrzejMariaFalinski.


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