Such a sharp increase is associated with the closure of the American market for Russia, Kommersant reports .
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According to NTech, in Q1 2024, frozen crab sales in Russia increased by 414.29% year-on-year. Snails also showed significant growth — by 40% compared to the same period in 2023.
" This is due to the fact that the main market for this product, the American one, has closed. And all the crab from the north and northwest of Russia went 100% to the US, and specifically frozen. So we had to turn our attention to the domestic market ," explained the jump in sales , Eduard Klimov, chairman of the board of directors of the media holding FishNews .
Russian fishermen are reorienting themselves to Asian markets. " They pay real money there, and this price cannot be compared with what domestic buyers offer. More than 90% of Russian crab goes to the Asian market now ," Klimov comments.
Perekrestok increased the share of prepared food in sales to 6.3% .
A law has been passed in the Russian Federation banning the sale of energy drinks to children .