From September 1, 2024, a licensing regime for sales at checkouts will begin for all sellers in relation to labeled dairy products and packaged water, writes
Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock/Fotodom
The permitting regime for the sale of goods is a ban on the sale of labeled goods on the basis of information contained in the state information system for labeling goods. The permitting regime for retail trade organizations and public catering establishments was introduced on April 1, 2024. The rules for implementing the licensing sales regime are established in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2023 No. 1944.
The regime is being introduced in stages. Thus, from May 1, 2024, the permitting regime began to operate in large retail chains (with 50 or more retail outlets) when selling labeled dairy products and packaged water at checkouts.
From September 1, 2024, the permitting regime begins to apply for the sale of dairy products and packaged water for all categories of retail participants. The operating scheme assumes that the online cash register software accesses the “Honest Sign” labeling system for each labeling code. If, according to data from the labeling system, the sale of a product is prohibited, the software will notify the seller.
To avoid blockages at the checkout, entrepreneurs are advised to prepare in advance for the start of the permitting regime. To do this you need:
- receive an access key in your personal account of the “Honest Sign” marking system to carry out checks of goods with markings at the checkout before sale (an access key must be obtained for each Taxpayer Identification Number);
- contact your cash register software provider to update to the latest version with permission mode and enter your access key to perform checks;
- conduct training for cashiers to practice prohibiting sales at the checkout;
- build business processes for labeled products that did not pass checkout;
- on a voluntary basis, start checking at checkouts now, this will allow you to prepare in a timely manner to comply with the new mandatory requirements.
It is noted that the [M+] sign on the receipt does not confirm that the permitting mode is activated. [M+] in the check means that the checks were successful, and only the presence of the code in the system (it was issued), the structure of the marking code and the verification code (crypto-tail) are checked. In this case, the product may not be put into circulation, withdrawn from circulation, blocked by decision of an authority, or expired.
The permitting mode uses a different mechanism: the top-level cash register software (not the cash register) sends a verification request directly to the Honest Sign labeling system, receives a response, interprets it and prohibits the sale if there are cases of prohibition.
The programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system support mandatory control of labeling codes in the state information system for labeling goods (GIS MT) for retail sales. In the current versions of the 1C: Retail and 1C: UNF programs, online verification of codes in the new and old RMK, as well as in the documents “KKM Receipt” and “Invoice” is implemented.
The permit regime at checkouts will be expanded to 8 new categories and marketplaces