The number of unemployed in Estonia exceeded the estimation of 50 50 000 people. The highest unemployment rate is still in Ida-Virumaa (12.9% or 7432 people). The RusDelfi edition researched the list of offered vacancies in Narva on cv.ee and in the Cassa for unemployment. It turned out that local enterprises are seeking just a little more than 40 employees. In Tallinn also nearly a few thousand jobs.The City Department of City Development and Economy of Narva is looking for an assistant manager-analyst, the tasks of which are processing the plan of the city development, analyzing indicators, issuing permits for the installation of outdoor advertising, developing and modernizing the relevant legislation of the City in the sectors of labor. The position is seeking a candidate with high education, knowledge of Estonian language
atleastC1 level,goodknowledgeofEnglishandRussianlanguage,andalsowiththeabilitytousethecomputer(includingExcelatanadvancedlevel).