This is a good opportunity to take care of your eyesight and get expert advice from specialists without incurring any costs.
Optometrists constantly emphasize the importance of prevention and regular eye examinations for maintaining eye health. Early detection of diseases can significantly increase the chances of effective treatment and a quick recovery. Many diseases develop gradually and do not always present clear symptoms that can be seen with the naked eye. That is why it is so important to visit specialists regularly.
When should you have your eyesight examined?
Eye examinations performed regularly are key to preventive health care. They are recommended to be performed every 2 years, and more often in the case of existing problems. They allow for early detection of serious diseases, such as glaucoma or cataracts, which do not necessarily have to cause symptoms at first. Eye examinations also have a significant impact on the assessment of the general state of health. Health problems, such as diabetes, rheumatism or hypertension, can affect the condition of the eyesight, which is why regular check-ups are an important element of comprehensive health care. As the years go by, the eyes change, just like other organs. Their examination allows for monitoring and early detection of problems, which allows for effective response and treatment.
What does the examination at Ziko Optyk include?
• Medical history regarding previous correction
• Assessment of visual acuity at distance and near, both with and without correction
• Refractive error testing using an autorefractometer
• Assessment of convergence and eye movements in 9 directions of gaze
The promotion lasts until 13.10! Check the details and regulations at: https://www.ziko.pl/optyk/