Estimates market determine the value of the Polish retail e-commerce at the end of 2024 at level about 140 billion £ and about 15% of the value of the whole retail sector. Prognoses for the industry are presented by experts KPMG: Andrzej Musiał, director in the transformation digital team, and Maciej Jaworski, assistant manager in the transformation digital team.
The share of internet trading in the retail in our country is on a similar level to our western neighbors – Germany, however some countries of Western Europe characterize a significantly higher e-commerce share, for example. in Great Britain nearly 1/3 of trade is delivered through the internet.
This example shows, that the domestic e-commerce market has significant potential for further development. In the next years projects further moderate growth in the online trading market at CAGR of about 8%.
The e-commerce market in Poland can be divided by looking through the prism of format into sales platforms (so-called marketplace) and own stores . In our domestic backyard, the dominant position is the sales
platforms, primarily a strong local marketplace, which is dynamically growing
and expanding its activity into
countries walls.
Andrzej Musiał, phot. mat. press.
Growing popularity of Asian platforms
Last time a significant surge in the domestic market has caused the appearance of new players – Chinese platforms. In over a month, using an aggressive growth strategy relying on offering competitive prices and free supplies in combination with originals, strongly involving users, the buying experience (e.g. mechanism “scrolling”), Chinese platforms in short time are gaining access to a significant base of customers. Controversy and doubt among consumers has been raised by the fact that the activity of Asian players comply with standards in the European Union, concerning quality products and consumer rights.
The anticipated, still growing popularity of Asian platforms among Polish consumers will be one of the key phenomena shaping the market e-commerce in 2025 year. Increasing competitive pressure on domestic platforms, may transform into favorable conditions for sellers operating in sectors at lower cost.apparel and accessories.
Aggressive expansion of Asian platforms will already be hampered by protective interventions by other countries introducing regulations, aimed at protecting domestic markets. An example of such action, is the
planned removal of customs fees for shipment of value up to 150 euros. This change may affect the
changing pricing policy of Chinese players, which will enable local operators to defend their market more effectively.
Read more
Chinese platforms are a real threat to Polish firms
Price still priority. What this means for e-commerce
Despite generic improvement in average annual indicators of consumer confidence in the year 2024 in comparison to the years of record, teen consumer sentiment in the country still is not positive. It is worth noting the monthly distribution of the previous consumer confidence indicator in the minute year. The indicator in January 2024 year
reached value about 4, for the rest of the year
showing generally a declining trend
to rise in the last month by 0.1, to level -11.5. This dynamic shows, that People have entered the New Year pessimistically assessing the future financial situation of their households.
Maciej Jaworski, fot. mat. press.
On this basis we can conjecture, that in the year 2025 price will still be one of the most important decision criteria for the Polish consumer. For the e-commerce sector this means some things. The strongly price oriented customer is a good customer for the dynamically developing in the Poland market platform and applications of Asia. This long trend consumer, is favorable for those players and does not foster a competitive fight with their vendors, who can find their advantage in other aspects, such as customer service or the quality of their products.
Re-commerce exploits
Sector.Recommerce – the branch of e-commerce responsible for trade of things used, refurbished or repaired item, has the opportunity to still gain importance. Platforms commerce, applications mobile, or groups on social media, which specialize in trading this type of products, can expect increased demand for their offerings. It is worth noting, that saving is not the only factor driving the popularity of recommerce in last years. Growing environmental awareness and changes in consumer behavior are causing that the responsible way slow fashion is being chosen by increasing more Polish people.
When shopping online Polish consumers significantly more often use smartphones than computers. Directing is the mobile-first approach, according to the priority is the development of the shop in the mobile version, it will not changeably be important for success in the e-commerce market. Shopping through social portals still does not have high popularity in Poland.
The domestic market e-commerce is dynamically developing due to innovations introduced each year at every stage of the sales process. Perceptible from the perspective of the consumer innovative solutions implemented in the delivery and payment are improving the experience, increase loyalty to existing customers and enable to reach a greater group of consumers, which translates into the development of the whole market of internet commerce.
Payments are one of the key points of contact influencing the purchasing experience. According to market research, one of the most frequent reasons for abandonment of the basket by the consumer is the lack of responsive paying methods. An example of innovation addressing this phenomenon is the service introduced last year by a Poland leader of the logistics industry. In with its mobile application, it offers functionality enabling to make payments for orders from different store online and manage their delivery.
The supply
market is consolidating
In the year 2025 we will possibly experience further consolidation of customer
experience in supply. An emerging on the Polish market model of cooperation between sales platforms
and e-.stores and courier companies allow to manage the relationship with the customer and improve the quality of services during the whole sales process. High competitiveness in the Polish market of couriers, should in further distance.Influence positively on offered time delivery. Delivery on the same day will not become the standard, but has the opportunity to start appearing frequently as an option when selecting delivery.
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Important takeover for e-commerce. Facilitate international expansion
More sales cross-border
For some time there has also been a significant increase in activity of Polish sellers in cross sales. This trend is created not only by the growth will of the entrepreneurs themselves, but also by the significant activity in this area of large platform sales. Enterment in foreign markets through marketplaces enables sellers to significantly easier and cheaper to conquer challenges related to logistics and differences regulatory or language barriers. Significant dynamics of development sales cross-border Polish e-stores in the year 2025 are likely to remain in countries of Central Europe, along with the progressive expansion ofthenationalleaderinthosemarkets.