In 2025 year the situation on the labor market should further improve, because the economy will begin to feel the inflow of EU money for investment. Payroll in companies will increase by less than 10%, will increase the pressure on increasing wages in the budgetary sphere, there will continue to be a shortage of workers. Disturb the announcements of controversial legal changes – considers Confederation Lewiatan.
Business about 2025 year. What are we facing?
– The Year 2025 should be better, because slightly better are the development forecasts. We should feel an influx of funds for investments from the National Reconstruction Plan. The Government announces an acceleration of investment. Tempo of increase in minimum wage, first time for many years, to one-figure level. Decrease should also decrease the dynamics of growth in enterprises – I predict a level of 9.5 – 9.8%, although there will continue to remain the pression of wages caused by declining supply of workers and increasing inflation. It is possible to account for an expectation of increases in the state budgetary sphere, which will be difficult taking into consideration of budgetary tensions and procedure of deficit – speaks prof. Jacek Męcina, advisor of the Confederation Lewiatan.
According to Confederation Leviathan the ongoing structural problem of the economy will remain increasing energy prices, which together with the costs of labor hinder investment in increasing employment, and activities in this area are the conditions for improving the conditions of business activity. Key factors may be increased investment and additional measures KPO. You can also count on food in the euro zone.
There will be a shortage of workers
The labor market from one side will suffer from a lack of workers, from the other side there should be action for activation of vocally inactive people, especially well educated women, but also extending the vocational activity of older people. It will also be important to introduce secure facilities and improve the functioning of procedures related to processing applications for the employment and stay of foreigners – full digitization and efficiency of these procedures should become a government priority.
Changes in the legal
As reported by Confederation Lewiatan, changes in the legal market for work have all time aroused controversy and concerns for entrepreneurs. From one party business understands the purpose of changes in regulations, related to employment of foreigners, from the other party procedures those from the party.years are poorly functioning – applications are processed with long delays, and the procedure itself involves bureaucracy and lack of an efficient electronic system for application processing.
Controversy has also been aroused by changes in the regulations on minimum wage, which does not allow to include in the some components of remuneration among others. bonuses and awards.
Entrepreneurs also point out that the often discussed in the public space rules for introducing a 4 – day workweek are premature.
– Although we all are aware, that the prospect of investment in technological transformation means there will be significant changes in employment, this is more the perspective of decades than the nearest years. This is why it is worth conducting this discussion to project changes and promote good practices, not but to consider it in the category of process, which already requires intervention legislative – writes the Confederation Lewiatan.
Implementation EU directives
– Poland still awaits implementation of some EU directives including the one on equality and disclosure wages. Personally I believe, that these changes are very necessary, they will improve the situation of women in employment and wages. The challenge however remains the acceleration of work on implementation. In this context the Parliamentary initiative is only an element of necessary change and should motivate the government to accelerate work, especially that in 2025 year we must already prepare for reporting on equality wages. Confederation Lewiatan, in conjunction with the Congress of Women has prepared a proposal for reporting on equality wages and appeals to the government for serious consideration of this proposal, which has already been preliminarily consulted with the entrepreneurial environment, was also the subject of discussionattheLawTeamoftheCouncilofSocialDialogue-addsprof.JacekMęcina.
Inthenearestfutureweare also implementationofthedirectiveonworkplatform,whichhasarouseda lotofcontroversyandfearsoftoowidespreadregulatorychangesintheapplicationrulesofB2B contracts.TheworkthisConfederationLeviathanwantstostartin2025yearinthedialogueautonomouswithrepresentativesoftheunions.
-Count,thatthisandotherchallengesofthelabormarketwillmakemoreusethesocialdialogueandconsultationforthedevelopmentofbetterandcompromisesolutions,beneficialfortheworkers.employees,buttakingalsoconsideringthe needsofthemarket-summarizesprof.JacekMęcina.