
For average national 10 tys. zl gross we’ll still wait.

Na średnią krajową 10 tys. zł brutto jeszcze poczekamy

Data Central Statistical Office shows, that average month gross remuneration in the enterprise sector reached level 8821.25 PLN – 10 tys. zl gross that is the psychological border if we talk about the average wage in Poland – says Hanna Mojsiuk, president

of Northern Izba Economic in Szecin. This is how median earnings, this

is significantly less than the national average

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That’s how much median

earnings, that’s significantly less than the national average

– 10 tys. zl gross that is the psychological boundary if we are talking about the average wage in Poland. In some sectors and regions to exceed from now, but on a wide scale it will be hard. We have very large geographical differences if it is about the wage – admits Hanna Mojsiuk, president of the Northern Economic Chamber in Szczecin. At the same time President Mojsiuk confesses, that wages in Poland are still growing, though the condition of many companies is more difficult than in the previous years. – 2024 year was a time of revision for many industries. We know, that it is difficult in industry, construction and transport – he adds.

More than inflation is the minimum wage responsible for the increase in wages

Data from Main Statistical Office show, that average monthly remuneration gross in the enterprises sector reached level 8821.25 PLN. This is an increase by 9.8 percent in comparison with December 2023 year and 4% when comparing wages month to month. Wages so all time are growing, though the dynamics of this growth according economists will in 2025 year decrease.

– Growth of pay is dependent on the capacity of entrepreneurs, the economic situation and what will be the availability of workers in particular sectors of the economy. Entrepreneurs begin the year 2025 quite insecure. Influences on this include. the economic crisis in Germany, the situation in America or after the fact, that it is impossible to sustain such gallop in the growth of wages as in the years of the one expectation, that the final increase in the price of goods and serviceswill not be discernible to the customer – comments Hanna Mojsiuk, president of the North Chamber of Business in Szczecin. – Wages are growing, but the tempo of growth will hinder. Today the factor driving the growth of wages more than inflation is the annual revaluation of minimum wage – he points out.

“We will have to wait”

Experts of the labor market confess, that the pay at 10 tys. zl gross that is “the psychological limit” – important, but difficult to exceed.

– 10 thousand zlotys as the average pay in Poland and in the Western Pomeranian province is a question of time, but we will have to wait. The dynamics of growth wages are declining. You can see this even after the increase in minimum wage. As late in 2023 and 2024 years the increase in pay was two fold over a year and there was even a 20% change, today we cannot count on such growth and in the commercial, and public – evaluates Maria Skowronska, expert market employment LSJ HR Group.

– 10 thousand zl gross pay is a high amount. We cannot look at the whole of Poland in the context of calculating that average, because in our country you can see very large differences in wages depending on which region we are analyzing. We have two provinces, where this amount already has long exceeded this cap, a region, where this value has nearly exceeded 7thousand.zl- informsmecenasLukaszŻak,expertmarketlabor.


-Itisobvious,thatinlargecitiesyouearnmostandinWarsaw,Cracow,PoznanorinWrocławthe salariesinsomesectorsalreadyhavelongexceeded10tys.zl.Moreisearnedalsoinindustry,transportation,construction,sectorIT.Wereceivehoweverfromthelabormarketclearsignals,thatthereisasometimeevenacorrectioninwages.Thisisan effectoftheglobalsituationintheeconomy- emphasizesPresidentHannaMojsiuk.


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