
Foot-and-mouth disease in Germany: 33 000 liters of milk per day poured in one farm.

Pryszczyca w Niemczech: 33 000 litrów mleka dziennie wylewane do ścieku w jednym gospodarstwie

The scale of losses of breeders of cattle and winds in Brandenburg because of detection of fluke is so horrifying, that it threatens to explode “fire” – warns the authorities the president of the Farmers’ Association Brandenburg Henrik Wendorff and appeals for quick action. The situation in the troubled and threatened zones is dramatic – the German media admits. Thus federal minister of agriculture Cem Özdemir consoles German farmers, that another suspected case of flu in the Barnim district has not been confirmed, so there is no reason to panic – donates Agrarheute.

Milk from 1300 years to disposal

German media particularly frequently refer to now the example of one milk farm in Barnim county Brandenburg, which must daily utilize 33 000 liters of milk. His owner is an agricultural entrepreneur Vincent Overmars from Bernau, who maintains two herds of cattle counting a total of 1300 acres on two farms in Warneuchen.

On breaks portal the breeder complains that he loses a day 16 000-18 000 euros, though his animals have not been confirmed to have flu. He has however to utilize milk for 30 days, because the fermy has found in the threatened zone, a such requirements are imposed on farmers by the Federal Regulation on animal health and extraordinary regulations by regional authorities on pest. Overmars does

and so every day she she cows and pours milk into tanks for the sanitation is not possible. And because

the transportation prohibition is in effect, the manure cannot leave the farm.

In three days German dairy

utony in milk. Already a billion euro loss!

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For three days German dairies utona in milk. Already a billion euro loss!

Drama farmers in zones

Director Managing Director of Farmers Brandenburg, Danny Tumlirsch tells journalists about the drama of farmers, who in the preventive measures had to hit their stocks in a radius of 1 km from the confirmed focus of flu. She tells about the fattening in the pigs, which.Farmers cannot sell and pour day in day hectoliters of milk.

President of farmers’ unions Wendorff call from other authorities to re-examine the sources of epidemic. As stated, the absence of other focuses indicates, that

it was people who “introduced the virus to stadas.” For examples of vectors of virus transmission he cites “wasted

food” or “animal food, which does not enter the country through regular channels.” At the same time Wendorff appealed to

breeders, “to in time doubt send the sample and not wait.”

Impact flu on the Polish market. What are possible scenarios?

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The impact of prypsis on the Polish market. What are possible scenarios?

Election behind the belt, there is hope

The situation in Brandenburg is as living as a memory of the first months ASF in the east of Poland, whether after the focus of the blue language in France. While what there is the rest of Germany has breathed with a further cases have not been confirmed, and the authorities are waiting for development of cases.

To the benefit of farmers from Brandenburg there is the fact, that in a minute the election, so politicians cannot vacate, and the minister Özdemir is

from Brandenburg. The situation after the epidemic of flu in this eastern land was discussed last week

in the Bundestag at the committee of agriculture. At times farmers from zones were promised to pay

compensation. In concerning the lack of new focuses the idea of vaccination of animals in the whole country has collapsed, because it is not economically and reasonably justified. Vaccinations are only provided in Brandenburg, however. The authorities of the Union state are to order vaccines, a eventual action funding all land in the country.

There will be veterinary inspections at the border. The reason is a dangerous  disease

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There will be veterinary inspections at the border. The reason is a serious disease

Vaccination is another risk

Federal Institute Research of Animal Health in a issued communiqué warns however, that vaccines work only when they are precisely adapted to the appropriate virus type – reads in Agrarheute. And this would require continuous monitoring and testing of

all stadiums, and adapting on the current vaccines.

From the viral viewpoint this has no

sense – says into Martin Beer, head of Institute Diagnostics viruses at the federal institute.

Director of Institute Epidemiology at Friedrich Loeffler (FLI), Carola Sauter-Louis noted from the college, that vaccination also has been been reasonable as prevention only in the case of serious epidemic.

Intervention vaccination would result in serious restrictions in trade. Many third countries don’t want to take any risk and don’t want import virus from countries,

that vaccinate – Sauter-Louis stated.

We have another focus pryszczycy in Germany? Services demonstrate

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We have another focus of pryszczycy in Germany? Services demonstrate

I lose all German farmers

President German Association of Farmers Joachim Rukwied requests from the county attention,

that losses due to the outbreak of flu are affecting the agricultural-food sector across the country, a

border in trade and export maybelong.

Inthebestcasetherestrictionswill disappearinthreemonths.Inrealisticscenariostheywillperhapssixmonths-considersRukwied.



Pryszczycauludzi.Howarethesymptomsandcourseofthe disease?









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