
Foot-and-mouth disease. GLW demonstrates publicity and appeals to breeders

Pryszczyca. GLW dementuje pogłoski i apeluje do hodowców

The Chief Veterinarian demonstrates publicity in the tribe

The Chief Veterinarian issued a communication in concerning the focal tribe (FMD) in the territory of Germany.

“In concern with appearing in the media space incorrect information about the occurrence of focus flu, The Chief Veterinarian informs, that the German party on 17.01.2025 year. denied official information on the second focus in Germany and informed, that for the current time there is no new suspected disease in other

farms” – stresses GLW.

We have another focus of flu

in Germany? Services demonstrate

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We have another

focus of flu in Germany? Services demonstrate

Flu. How does the situation in Poland look like?

The Chief Veterinarian informed also, that in Poland until 17.01.2025 there has been no confirmed cases of this disease.

“The veterinary services in cooperation with other services inspect transports of animals entering from German territory from unrestricted areas and from other member states, if the route passes

through Germany, in to Poland,” – he stated GLW.

Pryszczyna close to

the borders of Poland. This is what you should know about the disease

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Pryszczyca bliska granic Poland. This is what you should know about the disease

GLW appeals to breeders about flu. What needs to remember?

At the same time, he appealed to adhere to the principles of bio-security by entities associated with sarvidae of susceptible species, a in cases of animals of the necessity of disinfection.means of transport, in accordance with the requirements of Regulation No 1/2005.

“Animals introduced into the herd must come from an known source, must be labeled, in case of intra trade with a health certificate confirming

their origin and status of health, a in the case of pigs the health certificate must be

provided also in domestic circumstances,” – reminds GLW.


expects a ban on the movement of animals in fear of pimps

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PFHBiPM expects a bans the movement of animals in fear of flu

Furthermore feed and bedding (and siano and straw) input into farm must come from a known source.

“On the farm it is necessary to ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the rooms, in which animals are kept. For disinfection it is necessary to use disinfectants that inactivate the herpes virus that is. medicines with pH acidic below 6 or alkaline above 9” – details GLW.

GLW has also indicated that no equipment or to the farm

should be brought in and tools used in other farms. Personnel handling animals should comply with hygienic principles and use

clothing and footwear designed for handling animals.

Also be absolutely obey the prohibition on entering the farm

of people sides.

Influence of prypsis on the Polish market waters.

What are possible scenarios?

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The impact of pryszczyknapolskimarkettrzody.Whatarepossiblescenarios?Readmore


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