
Foot and mouth disease close to the Polish borders. This is what you shouldknowaboutthe disease.

Pryszczyca blisko granic Polski. Oto co należy wiedzieć o chorobie

Mumps (FMD – foot and mouth disease) is a disease associated primarily with countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South America. In 2024 year the disease was confirmed among others, in China, Palestine, Israel, Mozambique or South Africa. From the closest to us locations we can name Turkey or Russia. For the last time in the current European Union the disease appeared in 2011 in Bulgaria. In the XXI century we had two other episodes related to the occurrence of pneumonia. The first of these was a wave of illnesses, which in 2001 appeared in Great Britain, Ireland, France and The Netherlands. Subsequently pimples was confirmed as late as in 2007 year in Great Britain.

Our Part of the Old Continent with pimples has not been found for long. In Germany the disease after the last had been reported in 1988 year, in Poland after in 1971 year.

As long as what our country remains a country free from flu, nevertheless the occurrence of the outbreak of the disease in the distance about 70 km from the western border of Poland is difficult to ignore.  Although for that reason, that in difference from many other diseases pimple is very

easily spread by aerogenic route. Therefore the subject of herpes with certainty should not be ignored and about the disease is worth knowing as

much as possible.

A dangerous disease is returning after over 35 years. Germans have something  to fear. People


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The dangerous disease returns after over 35 years. Germans have something to fear. People also

What causes pimples?

Prickets is a viral disease caused by virus of genus Aphtovirus of family Picornaviridae, Pathogen this has seven serotypes of which one (serotype C) is considered to be dead.  Most recorded in last years focus of herpes is the effect of infection with serotype O.

Which species can infect with herpes?

Of domesticated species of animals susceptible to the occurrence of herpes are cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and buffalo. The susceptible to disease.There are also many other animals wild living – in our climate these are including deer, deer and wild boar, while in tropical climates such as antelope and giraffes. antelope or giraffes. Sporadly the virus also infects such species as dogs, bears, elephants, deer or tigers.

How does transmit the sickness?

On the tle of other infectious diseases the pick characterized by its high ability to transmit by air – this way can transport up to 60 km. Major sources of infection are direct contact with the infected animal, transmission by human (e.g. on clothing, shoes or wheels of vehicles), feeding – especially by cattle leftovers of food containing meat. Prickets to large distances can be transmitted also through


Virus can be transmitted also through insufficiently processed food of animal origin. Virus dies after 30 minute processing meat at

temperatures 70 degrees Celsius. Standard cycle pasteurization of milk (at 72 st.C) does not guarantee inactivation of virus, effective

is on the other hand high temperature treatment (UHT).

Staff crisis after detection of focus flu in Germany at the border with Poland

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The Crisis Staff after the detection of focus of flu in Germany by the border with Poland

In the environment the virus may survive for up to 1 month, this period is longer however in tissues of fall animals. Although it generates quickly in muscle tissue, however significantly longer remains in absorbable nodes, or bone marrow. Low temperatures extend the period of patogen activity.

Symptoms of pimples

The symptoms of pimples can be strongly varied – from a al symptomatic to severe infection. The severity of clinical symptoms results from many factors, including the strain of the virus, level of exposure, species, age and race of animals, or finally from individual level of resistance. Mortality of disease is relatively low (1-5 percent in adult animals, up to 20 percent in young animals. Prevalence can reach 100.percent of persons status. In cases of infections uncomplicated animals return to health on average after 2 weeks.

In cattle the disease has a severe survival in highly productive genotypes of cows, better they endure while

genetics are more like primary. In cattle the disease is presented by fever, suddenness, restriction of lactation, scratching teeth,

slugging or spotting. On the mucous membranes or rack there appear blisters with serous fluid, which then pump. The disease

can lead to complications such as damage and deformation racic, inflammatory states, permanent impaired milk production, infertility defenses or permanent loss of weight body.

Netherlands introduces bans the movement of  calves after an outbreak of flu in Germany

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Holland introduces bans on moving calfs after appearance of flu in Germany

U  Small ruminants (sheep, goats) symptoms are similar to symptoms of disease in cattle, less in their cases they concentrate most often in the circumference of their proneness on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or nose is less. Typical there are also frequent crones.

In cattle there are also also changes in the circle, which are more frequent in the cowless system. In this species also may occur in the circumference of the oral cavity – tongue, gums, lips, or cheeks. Characteristic is also equivalent to rapid death ofanimalsinducedby failureof thecirculatory system.


InPolandandEuropean UnioninaccordancewithguidelinesWOAHofpestisadiseasecoveredbymandatory eradication.Infocaldiseasesimplementedarestandardproceduressuchasinotherdiseasescontrolledfromtheauthority-liquidationanddisposalofanimals,disposalofbedding,feedandfertilizersnatural,aalsowashinganddisinfectionoffacilitiesandelementsequipment.


  • WorldOrganizationofHealthAnimal
  • CommissionEuropean
  • .

  • GeneralInspectorateofVeterinary Medicine



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