Slovak state operator SEPS announced that it will continue to supply electricity to Ukraine. Earlier Prime Minister of the country
Robert Fizo threatened to cancel the supply. Prime Minister Slovakia Robert Fizo Photo: Slovak Government/AFP
Slovak state operator SEPS announced that it will continue to supply electricity
to Ukraine. Previously Prime Minister of the country Robert Fizo threatened to cut the supplies.
Slovakia will continue to supply Ukraine with electricity. This was announced by the Czech information agency CTK on Friday, 3 January, the state operator of the electric systems of Slovakia SEPS.
The company stated that it intends to comply with the contract with Ukraine’s Ukrenergo. Kiev will use the electricity supplied from Slovakia to compensate for the disruptions in electricity caused by attacks by the Army of Russia.
Robert Fizo threatened to revise the supply of electricity to Ukraine
Earlier Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fizo threatened, that his country, “if required, would be ready to stop the supply of electricity to Ukraine from January 2025. Fizzo’s statement was caused by the fact that Kiev has not extended the agreement with Gazprom on the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine.
President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky in response said, that Robert Fizzo could “open a second energy front against Ukraine at the cost of the interests of the people of Slovakia” at the instruction of Vladimir Putin. “Only this can mean threats of threatsFitzo to cut off Ukraine’s extraordinary supplies of electricity inwinterinconditionsofRussianstrikesagainstourpowerstationsandthedistributionnetwork,
“Fitzohaswrittenheonhissocial media accounts.
OnThursday, 2January, RobertFizothreatened toreducesupport forUkrainianrefugeesonthebackgroundoftheconflictoverRussiangas.December 22, in anticipation of thetransit shutdown,FizovisitedKremlinanddiscussedthesupply ofgaswithVladimirPutin.
FizovisitedKremlinanddiscussedthesupply ofgaswithVladimirPutin.